Reviving Heros

By WabLeGurg, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have had a very bad experience with our second game of Descend (2nd edition) in the "Fat goblin" quest (with 2 heros).

Basically what append is that on the second encounter, the 2 heros got stuck buy the 3 spiders at the entrance of the dungeon.

Here what appended:

Players enter the dungeon of the second act with about half health.

Player 1 kill one spider

Player 2 almost kill another spider

Overlord kill both players.

Player 1 and player 2 revive.

Overlors kill both players.

Player 1 and player 2 revive.

Overlors kill both players.

Player 1 and player 2 revive.

Overlors kill both players.

Until the overlord won. That was not fun at all. Not for the overlord and not for the players.

The problem is that neither of the heros where able to get enough of health (only 2 red dices) when reviving to survive the overlord turn. Even if they had potions or any type of healing abilities, they would not have time to use them.

We must do something wrong. Is there something about reviving that we missed?

Is this appenning often in other quests?


Have played the campaign game a number of times and mainly with 4 players where we have often lost 2 of the 4 heros and revived them only to loose them again or were unable to revive them due to time constraint of the mission. You are doing nothing wrong sometimes it just goes like that!!! A lot of the encouters are very close making for exciting fastish games which we realy enjoy. I would say it is difficult and testing for revival but then it should be. Sometimes you dont stand a chance and that is why it is important to have a healer in a balanced part. I played Descent V1 and V2 is much better. Enjoy


We must do something wrong. Is there something about reviving that we missed?

Is this appenning often in other quests?

You didn't necessarily do anything wrong. That sort of situation can certainly occur.

If you're only playing with two heroes, I would suggest playing with four heroes, no matter how many hero players you have. 2 heroes have it tough.

Perhaps, if one hero was a healer, could their first move of the encounter have been a healing one, before attacking the spiders?

But once you are caught in a KO-revive cycle, things are certainly difficult.

MuahhahahaHAHAHA!! That is all.

(Doesn't happen enough)

Edited by Zarovich