Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta Q&A

By FFG Andy Fischer, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

How will this affect our 1e supplements? Will new supplements be made, will there be support documents for the update or should they function fine with the new 2e stuff?

It won't affect 1st Ed. supplements at all; there is no compatability with 2nd Ed.

Well, some of the content can be made compatible with a little work.

Edited by Kniightt

Most gear can, honestly. It's only weapons that require some work, and that's largely just adding AP costs and tweaking the AP and damage a little to fit more in line with 2e's stuff (although in light of the errata, statlines are pretty similar between the editions now anyway).

It would be great if they could give an official support-pdf with conversions of at least weapon and armour from the 1st Edition.

I think this would also help the acceptance of the new Edition a lot.

Systems like SHadowrun even give Character-converters for free...

A conversion of every piece of gear is a LOT more work than some quick rules to convert over characters. I think that, honestly, if there's anything you need THAT badly in your games, it takes a token amount of effort to convert it. Most gear ports over directly with little effort, it's only weapons that take some work. And that's a tiny amount of work.

It is not so much work at all.

You just need a general key to use.

Weapons usually come in categories, which can be transferred realted to blueprints and just slightly changed.

The only weapons which need more effort are exoti weapons.

I converted ALL WH40k RPG weapons into another system to play with within a few days.

If FFG would agree, even I would do the basic work for a conversion, if they just then took it and published it here officially :D

So its not so much about the work included, more about the political aspect, if this is wanted at all.

It would be great if they could give an official support-pdf with conversions of at least weapon and armour from the 1st Edition.

I think this would also help the acceptance of the new Edition a lot.

Systems like SHadowrun even give Character-converters for free...

Most systems (that I have played) provide a guide for converting characters when a new edition comes out.

It is considered polite.

They nearly always end up with broken characters that don't quite fit into the new system properly though, or lose all trace of being the character they started as.

Honestly the best conversion guide is this; rebuild your character from scratch at an equivalent XP level.

The more we adjust and perfect the current beta, the more it becomes not so backwards compatible so what is the point of using OW rules at all?

Appeasing angry fans.

I would rather have a superior system than a hodge podge samey system.

Dark Heresy honestly needs a complete rewrite from the ground up with a clear mission statement, instead of this bipolar, duct-taped bundle of subsystems we have now.

But, of course, the second that happens everyone's old 40kRPG books will instantly immolate on their shelves and become useless piles of ash, apparently.

Okay, I have a big question: does the Desperado's special ability affect psychic powers or not? For example, the Desperado psyker casts Sunburst (half action) and hits his target. He casts Sunburst again against the same target. Does he gain the +20 to the Focus Power test because of the special ability of his role?

Okay, I have a big question: does the Desperado's special ability affect psychic powers or not? For example, the Desperado psyker casts Sunburst (half action) and hits his target. He casts Sunburst again against the same target. Does he gain the +20 to the Focus Power test because of the special ability of his role?

Maybe I'm missing something... how do you cast Sunburst twice? Is it not an attack action? Can you not only do one attack action per round?

Okay, I have a big question: does the Desperado's special ability affect psychic powers or not? For example, the Desperado psyker casts Sunburst (half action) and hits his target. He casts Sunburst again against the same target. Does he gain the +20 to the Focus Power test because of the special ability of his role?

Maybe I'm missing something... how do you cast Sunburst twice? Is it not an attack action? Can you not only do one attack action per round?

Ah, and here comes the answer! Thanks!

The Desperado special ability is actually to be used with Two Weapon Fighting...

The Desperado special ability is actually to be used with Two Weapon Fighting...

Week Twos update changed it, from the boost to the second attack to a shoot and move ability.

Can a psyker re-roll the outcome of his focus power test using a fate point ?

On the desperado talent, a friend thinks it lets you do two standard attacks a turn, either as 2 move actions or a move and shoot combo + a standard shoot. I lean towards 1 attack on 1 turn only, unless dual wielding or rapid fire melee/ranged stuff. Is he right?

On the desperado talent, a friend thinks it lets you do two standard attacks a turn, either as 2 move actions or a move and shoot combo + a standard shoot. I lean towards 1 attack on 1 turn only, unless dual wielding or rapid fire melee/ranged stuff. Is he right?

You can only make 1 attack action/turn. The Desperado special ability gives no exemption.

On the desperado talent, a friend thinks it lets you do two standard attacks a turn, either as 2 move actions or a move and shoot combo + a standard shoot. I lean towards 1 attack on 1 turn only, unless dual wielding or rapid fire melee/ranged stuff. Is he right?

You can only make 1 attack action/turn. The Desperado special ability gives no exemption.

You must be right, but it's odd that this power is basically just a less powerful version of Hip Shooting. I'm not a huge fan of a power that is completely redundant at higher power levels.

On the desperado talent, a friend thinks it lets you do two standard attacks a turn, either as 2 move actions or a move and shoot combo + a standard shoot. I lean towards 1 attack on 1 turn only, unless dual wielding or rapid fire melee/ranged stuff. Is he right?

You can only make 1 attack action/turn. The Desperado special ability gives no exemption.

You must be right, but it's odd that this power is basically just a less powerful version of Hip Shooting. I'm not a huge fan of a power that is completely redundant at higher power levels.

The Desperado ability can be used with any move action, not just a Full Move like the Hip Shooting talent. This could include the Run, Tactical Advance, and Disengage actions, to name a few.

I'm now imagining a Desperado with Sprint running past enemies at blinding speed, pumping them full of hand cannon rounds while emitting a fearsome war yodel :D

Edited by Covered in Weasels

You must be right, but it's odd that this power is basically just a less powerful version of Hip Shooting. I'm not a huge fan of a power that is completely redundant at higher power levels.

The Desperado special ability is a little bit different than Hip Shooting because the former requires only a Half Action while using the later is a Full Action. With the Desperado ability you can make the so-called "jump-shoot-jump" trick: start out of LoS, use the Desperado ability to move into LoS and fire then move back out of LoS with a Move action.

How is it less powerful? You can 1/2 move + standard fire (for +10), then you could move to cover or do anything else really, the one problem I can see is that it doesn't work with the aim action, but I don't think Hip Shooting does either.

You must be right, but it's odd that this power is basically just a less powerful version of Hip Shooting. I'm not a huge fan of a power that is completely redundant at higher power levels.

The Desperado special ability is a little bit different than Hip Shooting because the former requires only a Half Action while using the later is a Full Action. With the Desperado ability you can make the so-called "jump-shoot-jump" trick: start out of LoS, use the Desperado ability to move into LoS and fire then move back out of LoS with a Move action.

You can do the "jump-shoot-jump" trick with Hip Shooting too.

The Acolyte’s prowess with ranged weapons is such that he can still fire accurately without his eye behind the sights. As a Full Action, he can both move up to his Full Move rate and makea single attack with a ranged weapon. This attack can only be a single shot and may not be a semi- or full-automatic ranged attack. Characters with the Two-Weapon Fighting talent can use this talent with Hip Shooting to make two single shots, if they are armed with a ranged weapon in either hand


Move and Shoot: Once per round, after performing a Move action,a Desperado character can make a single Standard Attack action with a Pistol weapon as a Free Action.