- The first 3 (or so) wound effects inflict 1 fatigue but NO actual wound. Where the actual threshold lies is open for debate. This prevents stupid things like receiving 4 major hits by e.g. an autocannon leaving that relatively unscaved and then explode by the prick of a knife.
- The second MAJOR improvement is to remove alll entries below 20 and replace them by something you can actually remember. The last 10 entries of the tables can AFAI'mC remain as they are roughly the same as the critical hit tables from ya-old days. This way you create some balance between the 'fluff and the fast'(er game pace)
Trial 2
Been giving this some thought, especially with th efeedback and come to the following conclusion:
FFG is NOT gonna throw away the tables, as correctly stated they are this game holy cow
So IF this makes it in any way into the gameit should be offered as an alternative to quicken gameplay for those interested.
Hence KISS should really apply to this alternative
This is what I made of it, together with the given feedback
"As an alternative to the existing wound effect system during battle we offer the following guidelines to speed up game play. The wounding system is split up into three tiers where the character remains longer lightly wounded, but will gain more severe wounds effects more quickly after that. A GM can choose to mix these alternative rules with the tables. E.g use the below for 1-20 and consult the tables for wound effects of 21+."
1-10 light/minor wounds. Gain 1 fatigue and get +2 'wound modifier'
11-20 heavy/major wounds. Gain 1 fatigue, +5 'wound modifier' and (until healed or when round are given:)
Energy: burn condition (1d10)
Impact: (H/B/L): dazed (2d5rounds) / weakened(1) / Crippled
Rending: Blood loss (1d5)
21-30 Gain +5 wound modifier, 50% chance to fall unconscious for 1d5 rounds
Limb: 50% limb loss
Head: 50% partial sensory loss (1 eye/1ear/nose) should you loose both (eyes/ear) you gain the deaf/blind condition)
Body: 50% weakened(3) and blood loss (1d5)
Energy:burning condition (1d10+5)
Impact: toughness decay (2d10) until healed, test Ag-30 or fall prone.
Rending:blood loss condition (1d5+5)
Critical Wounds (due to a righteous fury) will still double the 'wound modifier' so for the 1-10 tier the modifier is +4.
Some slight modification on NPC's (most is RAW):
Novice NPC die when:
Gaining 2 wounds (RAW)
Gain 1 major/mortal or critical wound
Novices do not gain any wound effects (RAW)
Elite NPC's die when
Gaining 4 wounds
Gain 1 mortal or critical wound
Elites do not gain any wound effects
Master NPC's suffer same effects as players.
Some pondering thoughts...: maybe not KISS enough or too simplified?
Edited by wolph42