Now, FFG aren't exactly known for their flawless and exhaustive rules systems, but this is a little much even for them. According to page 137 of Into the Storm, most ships carry "huge reserves", but a single 200 liter barrel would produce a blast of over one and a half kilometer in diameter, and likely do over 1000 damage (enough to rip through a couple of dozen 36 armour bulkheads - a couple of barrels exploding would logically tear a voidship in half). Why do I need orbital bombardment when I can just drop barrels of this stuff on the enemy and achieve roughly the same effect?
Note that even if your GM isn't the sort to give you stuff for free just because it *should* be on your ship (I personally don't), Promethium is still Abundant, and so can be easily acquired in vast quantities.
Hell, even a lowly armsman can do the Imperium a great service as a suicide bomber, rushing enemies with 36kg of the stuff for a lovely 144 metre blast - longer than the range of many ranged weapons, and doing easily enough damage that enemies can be killed through walls and most other sorts of cover.
So, I'm curious. How do you guys deal with this sort of thing? For the sake of dicussion, we're assuming that players are taking basic steps to prevent the plan from backfiring - not standing closer than 144 metres away from their suicide bombers, dropping the barrels from lighters that they can afford to lose, operated by people they can afford to lose, from high enough that autocannons and such can't reach etc.
Questions of crew morale are made moot by mind control and basic efforts to maintain secrecy, or at the very worst inflammatory speeches by someone with Charm in the 130-area.
Personally, I went with the route of less resistance and outright banned Promethium and similar items. Between demolition packs and meltabombs, I find there's enough explosives in the game. So, what about everyone else? Gentlemen's agreements with your players? House rules? Sudden genestealer attack?