Question about the Battle Action and the Aim Order.

By Hooner, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If my Hero chooses the Battle Action (where he gets to make two attacks and no moves), can he use the Aim order during both of his attacks or just one? If I've figured it out correctly I think it's only one of his attacks. Is this right?



Yes. Using the aim for an attack removes it.

DJitD Pg 14
An aim order stays with a hero until removed by one of the following events: ...or 4) the hero uses the order to make an aimed attack.

Aim order is a half-action in a Ready action (the second one is move or attack). So you can not use aim order when you choose a battle action

Morthe said:

Aim order is a half-action in a Ready action (the second one is move or attack). So you can not use aim order when you choose a battle action

He can if he placed the Aim order on the previous turn or someone allowed him to place it via Leadership. Activating a Ready action if it has already been placed has no bearing on the your delcared action for the turn typically.

You are right. I thouht he placed an aim order during battle action... my mistake, sorry.