Yssaril vs. "Limits to Individual Power" political card.

By Darth_Biagio, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

A fast question...

Since Yssaril are not "immune di effect that would cause them to discard cards" (as stated in the FAQ), does the Limits to Individual Power political card actually manage to limit their hand to three cards, regardless of their racial ability?

The agenda specifies that you have to always discard down to three cards , not that your hand limit is now three cards .


Edited by Darth_Biagio

It would seem so. To get a hold of that specific PC in a game with Yssaril in it seems like an uncommon occurrance, though, so I would'nt build a strategy around it.

Edited by Fnoffen

The problem is that hand size is not a defined term in TI3, the wording for the base hand size is:

Rules p23:

If, after receiving additional cards, a

player has more than 7 Action Cards in his hand, he

must immediately choose and discard cards until he

has 7.

Which is the same wording as Limits to Individual Power.

I know that most people play it that the Yssaril discard down to 3 cards, then continue with an unlimited hand size.

in a brief search, I couldn't find any official rulings though.

Limits to Individual Power - All players must discard down to 3 action cards. When ever player draws new cards discard down to three

Yssaril is "...never limited to a hand-size of Action Cards"...."regardless"..."any active Political Cards."

This is only found on Yssaril's race sheet

Yssaril special ability

You draw one additional Action Card during every Status Phase. You are never limited to a hand-size of Action Cards, regardless of the game rules and any active Political Cards.

Most players play that Yssaril must discard down to 3 cards.

But most players believe the second part of the Political card is refering to hand size and Yssaril is immune to that part of the political card.

I think you can make your own judgement if players are doing this right....

I won't take a position on the rules question itself, but the Yssaril are easily one of the most powerful races int he game thanks to their Skip ability, so a few accidental nerfs to their position in general is probably not the end of the world.

If you want an official ruling you can always ask FFG directly.

Isn't this the only thing in the game that effects hand size? If this is not what the ability is for, why is it on the sheet?

Edited by Robofish