So I created a simple house rule to stop my players from becoming walking armouries.
Simply put I made it so a character can carry weapons up to their strength modifier.
Pistols and knives count as 0.5 with rifles, swords, shields and other similar sized weapons counting as 1. Particularly large weapons like flamers with tanks fitted and stubbers counting as 1.5 to 2.
So an acolyte with a strength bonus of 3 could carry a rifle weapon with a brace of pistols and perhaps a sword which seems reasonable.
This simple rule has proven effective as it has stopped us having to go over weapon weights time and again, made them have to stop and think about their weapon loadout prior to missions and investigations and stops them hoarding fallen weapons from enemies to spam for cash.
But this leads me to ammo, I'd like a similar rule as they currently carry tons of ammo and never come close to running out, I was thinking of ammo slots for magazines and clips.
It would make missions more exciting where ammo was scarce and therefore precious, would also highlight just how awesome las weapons are due to their robustness and general utility.
Ideas my fellow GM's?