Ogre, Halfeling and carriers

By JA_42, in WFRP Rules Questions


I've a question about this races.

Rules explain that :

- halfeling can acces any Human carrier with menial and rogue traits

- ogre can acces any carrier fit to human or dwarf

So, my questions:

- what about "any race" carrier? Ogre and Halfeling can do it? for halfeling, even if menial or rogue aren't traits?

- can ogres acces to any "human, dwarf or high elfes" carrier (so in fact, any "human, dwarf or anything else" carrier)? some are ... perturbing (some scholar, intellectual, ...).


It should be good if you use common sense and stick with the theme of the world.

Emirikol just gave the best answer to this I could imagine.

Going for a lesser answer: if you are only considering the prerequisites, a career that has "any race" is a human career, and also a human and dwarf career. I also think that a "human, dwarf and elf" career is a "human and dwarf" career. But that doesn't mean they have any given traits. They only have it if they have it.

If that means an Ogre could go for some unusual career for an Ogre, well... can you imagine a story to back it up? And, if you can, and really want to, why to bother with prerequisites? Just allow that character, backed up by that story, to be that way.

I agree...

in fact, it's a RPG, GM is a "god" and choose everything, without any discution needing.

that's a fact

but, to be honest, when I read this book, i think "oh, they try and find a key enter for this new races... cool"

and that's all, because no one in my group play an ogre or halfeling...

but, after discution about poor carrier option for high elves and forest elves (see another topic), I create an excel sheet with all carrier (with attribute, ...). In this way, I create column for halfeling and Ogre.

At this point, I've seen some problem...

that's why I ask.

but your answer is perfect and fit my rpg vision