Madison, WI (2013)

By kevinkrenz, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I really want to start playing, but I need to find some folks to play with. Is there anyone is the Madtown area that is still active?

I know that "I'm Board" in Middleton has a weekly LCG event, but I have no idea how many of those folks play AGoT.

I know there are a few guys in Madison that play, just keep looking. Once a month we hold a Tournament in Chicago, usually the last Sunday of the month. We are skipping August due to GenCon but we will have something going in September. If you are interested look our group up of Facebook, AGOT LCG Chicago, i put all the details up there at the begining of the month.

Or if you don't have facebook just e-mail me,, and i'll keep you in the the loop

Edited by Pear2284

I'm located in Madisonand play SW LCG at the Monday night showing theres usually a few GOT players but as their secondary game, that being said I'm just getting into it and wouldn't mind a few Monday matches. Otherwise the University has a weekly board game club(Wednesdays on campus) and I'm board has a general game night on Thursday, next week is a good week for me shoot mec message if any of those nights interest you. I just got a ton of cards so you'll have to forgive me as I'm learning. :)