Soul Binding

By Plushy, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

I hope this offers the chance to play a Soul-Bound psyker. Seeing as the Mystic role wants to get away from being the Sanctioned Psyker, I feel like offering the most common option as an Elite Advance would make sense. Something like:

Soul Bound (400xp): You have endured the travel to Holy Terra and faced the terrible light of the God-Emperor's glory. Though it burned away your eyes, what you gained was so much greater. Your soul is shackled to His will, protecting you from the predations of the Warp.

Prerequisites: Psyker trait.

Effect: You do not gain the Corruption points for being a Psyker. You gain the Blind trait, but can still see due to a sort of ghostly Warp-sight. Your natural eyesight cannot be restored with medical aid, bionic implants, or by any other means. You roll 3d10 instead of 2d10 for Perils of the Warp, and drop the highest result.


Not too bad, though my initial thought was 'Dear god, we're already trying to repair this mess with house rules'.

Sounds like it has potential, it's certainly makes for a wider range of psykers characters, which is never a bad idea.

Personally I wouldn't have the reduction to the peril table (if anything, rogue psykers should have a +X on the table instead), but instead of that, drop the xp cost to 200xp, that way starting characters can buy this and the psyker elite advance using the starting xp.

Not too bad, though my initial thought was 'Dear god, we're already trying to repair this mess with house rules'.

A true rarity in these forums, this thread is not me trying to fix this mess! I just like the variety of psykers - sorcerers, wyrds, witches, sanctioned psykers, and astropaths - and wish they were all a bit better represented. I still stand by Sanctioned Psykers being standard (with them being tied to the Mystic role, grrr!) and the others being Elite Advances.

It always bugged me that Astropaths never came to DH.