what little I've seen so far makes me think that Askellon (or whatever it was called) sounds less than Calixis. To have a Warp storm as the big "bad thing" in the sector is much less original and enticing than the mysterious Tyrant Star, which has been tickling my imagination since I first read about it.
It's very hard to do less than Calixis did. Admittedly, I got some use out of the Tyrant Star in my Black Crusade game when we decided it was the womb of Malal, Lord of Chaos against Chaos and God of Truth (We altered his fluff a fair bit) and their campaign revolved around returning him to existence to become his first Daemon Princes (and Princess) and favored Chosen (Ground floor!). But otherwise, I always found Calixis really boring. It's pretty much just Space Victoriana and noble corruption all the way down, with almost nothing for the Ordo Xenos to do except the Slaugh, who had a lot of potential but I felt were quite underused. I mean, what on Calixis was actually all that unique? A Hive World full of NOBLE POLITICS, a Feral World full of WAR, a Feudal World of CRUSHING OPPRESSION, are these really anything special in 40K? I hope the new Sector is more interesting, and I suspect it will be mostly because the subsequent 40kRP settings were all better than Calixis. What I've seen from the beta document's descriptions of the main local Hive, though, does not fill me with confidence.
But that's fine. 40k is a huge, huge setting and it's really easy to ignore, add, or make up your own planets, settings, and subsectors/sectors. Part of the fun of 40k is that it's so big that a lot of the 'X must be Y way' stuff really doesn't apply and it's easy to alter the fluff, especially as its' been stagnant for so long. Also, feels good to finally vent a bit about Calixis. We mostly kept the place around to make fun of the locals and their toy soldiers, or for the Scintillan 17th to annoy the hell out of guardsmen in Only War.
That's heretical talk where I come from...
And being less than Calixis? Calixis was great and had some very interesting versions of standard 40k troupes and made them more than just "another hive/feudal/feral/forge/whatever world" in the Imperium. Also we seem to disagree alot, because in my eyes Calixis is the strongest setting they've produced so far. Really like the diversity and the various threats that threatens it. It really made me feel like the sector was pretty much under siege and every enemy dropped was a small scale taken off the Imperium's back.
Also I never found any lack for my Ordo Xenos game. I had the Slaugh, the Halo Devices, the Cold Trade and various Xenophiles and alien cults springing up all over the sector. Also due to the close proximity to the Halo Stars I never had any problem in bringing in new alien races eager to subvert or destroy the Imperium.