Garrisons, Neutral Forces and Highgarden

By Le Jedi Fou, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Hi, I'm new to this game and I have questions regarding garrisons and neutral forces depending on player setting (3, 4, 5 or 6 players)

6 players :

Garrisons : Winterfell, Dragonstone, Lannisport, Pyke, Highgarden, Sunspear

Neutral Forces : King's Landing, The Eyrie

5 players :

Garrisons :Winterfell, Dragonstone, Lannisport, Pyke, Highgarden

Neutral Forces : King's Landing, The Eyrie, Sunspear + 5 cities in Dorne

4 players :

Garrisons :Winterfell, Dragonstone, Lannisport, Pyke

Neutral Forces : King's Landing, The Eyrie, Sunspear + 5 cities in Dorne + 3 cities in the Reach

3 platers :

Garrisons :Winterfell, Dragonstone, Lannisport

Neutral Forces : King's Landing, The Eyrie

Unreachable : Pyke, Highgarden, Sunspear + 5 cities in Dorne + 3 cities in the Reach

My question : what happens to Highgarden in a 4 players settings ? It's not a Garrison because nobody is playing the Tyrrel. It's not a Neutral Force because its token as Neutral has a 3 players ~ on each side, nothing specified for 4. And it's not unreachable neither because of that same reason.

Is it a printing error ? Logically, shouldn't be it considered as a Neutral Stronghold, like Sunspear and have a Force of 5 ?

(excuse me for my lack of proper game words, I don't have the english version of the game)

I've wondered this too. It feels like it's too easy to capture for it's position in a 4 player game.

I guess you just gotta march and get it. They made the math and figured out it was better to keep it open. Whenever I played 4 players, incredibly it was BARATHEON the first to get there… NOT Lannister or Greyjoy… so yes, it's a nice prize disputed by LANNISTER, GREYJOY and BARATHEON… it's go and take it, makes everybody want it in a way!

My question : what happens to Highgarden in a 4 players settings ? It's not a Garrison because nobody is playing the Tyrrel. It's not a Neutral Force because its token as Neutral has a 3 players ~ on each side, nothing specified for 4. And it's not unreachable neither because of that same reason.

Is it a printing error ? Logically, shouldn't be it considered as a Neutral Stronghold, like Sunspear and have a Force of 5 ?

Sorry for the thread necro.

New game for me and started with a 4-player game.

We have this exact same question with the exact same tentative proposed solution of treating Highgarden as a Neutral with Force 5.

In my search for errata, this is the closest I could find for this issue.

Is there an official answer somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Hyperturtle

I would also be happy to see an official answer for this, I hope someone knows if there has been one, or if any Fantasy Flight employees read this if they could give one?

I've emailed customer support as a rules question. With any luck, there'll be answer before our next 4-player game. I'll share it here when I get the reply.