Lieutenant Battle Questions

By snakeeyes2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Had our first lieutenant encounters tonight in our RtL campaign and it raised a few question I hope you can help me with.

Hand of cards

I get that I can spend my one Monster treachery to put a one treachery cost Monster card in my hand. But the rules continue on to say "Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can't be added to his hand at all)."

1) What does this mean? I'm assuming the "cards without a treachery cost" are the referring to the base deck. But then I don't what "of the correct type" refers to because non-treachery cards don't have types. Unless it's an Altar of Despair thing, which I don't have yet.

Multiple Lieutenants in a City

I had all the Farrow stacked on Greyhaven. The Heroes teleport in using the Rumor card "The Hatchlings". They need to remove all lieutenants or the city may be razed next game week. I need some clarification on how resolution of consecutive lieutenant encounters goes.

2) Do heroes get to restock or visit before their first battle?

3) If the lieutenant flees, is destroyed, or the heroes flee do the heroes get to Visit or Restock before encountering the next Lieutenant?

4) If the heroes flee can they just heal, restock, and fight the same lieutenant again?

It seems like the only way for me as OL to keep my lieutenants on the town is to work for a total party kill and send the heroes packing to Talamir. Otherwise, as soon as I get the party weakened (kill off one or two heroes) the rest can run off the encounter board, meet up with their now resurrected and fully restored teammates, maybe buy some new potions, and then jump right back into a fight with the lieutenant. I guess that's fine since the lieutenant gets fully restored, too, but I want to make sure that's how it works.

SnakeEyes said:

Had our first lieutenant encounters tonight in our RtL campaign and it raised a few question I hope you can help me with.

Hand of cards

I get that I can spend my one Monster treachery to put a one treachery cost Monster card in my hand. But the rules continue on to say "Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can't be added to his hand at all)."

1) What does this mean? I'm assuming the "cards without a treachery cost" are the referring to the base deck. But then I don't what "of the correct type" refers to because non-treachery cards don't have types. Unless it's an Altar of Despair thing, which I don't have yet.

Multiple Lieutenants in a City

I had all the Farrow stacked on Greyhaven. The Heroes teleport in using the Rumor card "The Hatchlings". They need to remove all lieutenants or the city may be razed next game week. I need some clarification on how resolution of consecutive lieutenant encounters goes.

2) Do heroes get to restock or visit before their first battle?

3) If the lieutenant flees, is destroyed, or the heroes flee do the heroes get to Visit or Restock before encountering the next Lieutenant?

4) If the heroes flee can they just heal, restock, and fight the same lieutenant again?

It seems like the only way for me as OL to keep my lieutenants on the town is to work for a total party kill and send the heroes packing to Talamir. Otherwise, as soon as I get the party weakened (kill off one or two heroes) the rest can run off the encounter board, meet up with their now resurrected and fully restored teammates, maybe buy some new potions, and then jump right back into a fight with the lieutenant. I guess that's fine since the lieutenant gets fully restored, too, but I want to make sure that's how it works.

1) Yes, cards from the base deck. Of the correct type means Monster (spawn), Event, or Trap. Most cards do actually have Event or Trap written on them (Spawns being self explanatory), IIRC, just below the title perhaps? (completely working from vague memory here, so may be totally wrong). Anyway, whether it is written on the card or not, most cards do still actually have a type (though it may not be obvious). Expansion cards, and apparently later printings of the base set, has each card with a subtly shaded background colour that corresponds to their base type.
Any card that says Event, or has a green background, could be one of two selected at the price of 1 event Treachery. Eg Danger, with costs one Event Treachery from the Treachery deck can also be used from the base deck (and you'd get another base Event like Rage as well). Any card that says Trap, or has a purple background, can be selected fro Trap Treachery - ie intead of selecting a Treachery Dark Charm, select the base deck Dark Charm and throw in a Spiked Pit as well. Any card that says Spawn, or has a red background, can be used as monster treachery - eg 2x Beastman War Party for one Monster Treachery.

2-3) Attacking Lts is an end of turn effect. Visiting or Restocking is an end of turn effect. Whenever two effects trigger at the same time, the active player gets to choose the order of resolution. Thus, the heroes can restock/visit before, or between, or after fighting any Lts. Howver they will only get to do it once in the turn (not before and after each fight for example).

4) If the heroes flee then they may continue their game week and fight another Lt. They may only attack each Lt once though. If the heroes are Total Party Killed their game week ends immediately and they may not attack again this week. Any heroes killed in one fight are completely recovered for the next fight. Any heroes wounded recover all their fatigue, but do not recover their wounds (unless they have reason to due to skills or special abilities). It would be possible to fight one battle, then visit/restock (not having done so before the first battle) and heal some wounds for 25gp at the local temple (not the Tamalir Temple/Cathedral though) before fighting a second Lt battle against a new foe.

You still get the CT for killing the heroes, but yes, your best bet is to weaken the heroes with teh first one or two Lts and then finish off the wounded group for a TPK with a later Lt.

Went back to the base deck and saw the type indicator on the cards. Makes sense now.

Thanks for the clarifications on all the rules. VERY helpful. Are those in the RtL book, in the FAQ, or just common forum knowledge?

Some of each ;-) The rules are a bit vague about the sequence of events, so it's been pieced together based on general Descent rules and discussed thoroughly here.

Osaka said:

Some of each ;-) The rules are a bit vague about the sequence of events, so it's been pieced together based on general Descent rules and discussed thoroughly here.

Indeed. Although IMO the rules are not at all vague once you get the FAQ explanation (IIRC it was in the FAQ - FAQ 1.4, so long established) about things that operate of the same trigger happening in the order desired by the player who'se turn it is.

You'll note the new faq has some new input on these questions:

It's now made clear that the heroes cannot visit the town until after all battling with lieutenants is done. So you can't visit before or in between lieutenant fights, and you only get one visit. If one of the Lts. gets a tpk, the heroes game week will end without them even getting to visit the town (which is not so much a factor on healing as it is on being able to buy equipment, potions, and possibly tamalir upgrades).

If the heroes flee the first battle, they may still attack another lt., but any wounded heroes will enter the fight wounded. They can't re-encounter that same lt., so they better hope you don't roll a surge.

I have another question regarding Lt. fights. Lts can battle and run. If I chose to battle and play a rage card would that give me 4 attacks like it does with quick shot or just 3.

Thanks for the help.

From the List of Answered Questions:

Q: If the Overlord plays RAGE on a Lieutenant during a battle action, how many attacks does he receive - 3 or 4?

A: Two, actually. "Rage" reads: "Play when you activate a monster. That monster may attack twice during this activation (four times if it has Quick Shot)."
A lieutenant who has declared a Battle action may attack twice during his activation. "Rage" has no further effect - it is essentially granting the lieutenant an ability it already has. A much stronger play is to declare a Run action and then play "Rage," which would allow the lieutenant to move twice his speed and attack twice.

Wow we played that wrong.

Thanks for your help.