Well, actually, rolling maximum damage (a natural 10) against a Novice or Elite NPC kills or incapacitates them (as long as the damage is enough to bypass their Defence), regardless of the weapon used. Unlike in first edition, there is no test to confirm Righteous Fury, so it's actually easier to one-shot mooks. Also, Novice NPCs don't use hit locations, although a GM could of course describe it as a bolt round blowing apart the NPC's head, or whatever.
Edit: And with Tearing, Bolt Pistols are going to one-shot their fair share of NPCs.
As it's a new system, and this is just my understanding of it, a single hit only translates in a single wound, then you roll on the correct wound effect table.
Mooks have 2.wounds.
As Manchu pointed out earlier,the max you can roll on the correct table is a stun, and this is taking tearing into account.
That does rather cover a multitude of sins. I find myself wanting a Horus Heresy RPG.
My point being that this is 40k, where there's no kill other than overkill.
Edited by BaronIveagh