I suspect there are a few deep flaws in this game's combat system, but out of concern that I may be doing it wrong, I'm throwing open the door to what i call the headshot test.
It's rather simple: The guardsman is wearing his flak helmet. The commissar (a low level PC) shoots the gaurdsman in the back of the head, killing him with his bolt pistol with one shot.
Ideally, this SHOULD be the result 80-90 percent of the time. However, when we tested this, the number of guard fatalities was surprisingly low, using a RNG. But, to be sure we have not goofed, I'd like all of you who are interested to give it a whirl and see what you get.
The reason we used this particular test was that it is the most basic sort of shot that can be made, against the same sort of target that one might be shooting at in combat, in the game.
Edited by BaronIveagh