mrvander's Character Sheet Thread

By mrvander, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Here's a more appropriately titled thread to deliver my character sheets to the public. The original goal of my sheets is to be a more printer friendly sheet than the official one. I also aim for functionality and easy on the eyes.

I'm listing out all my upcoming sheet ideas and links will be populated as they become available.


If you download a sheet and want a customization feel free to request it here. Chances are somebody uses sheets the same way you do. I just ask one favor: if you have a request, indicate what you want to LOSE to accommodate that request. For example, "Hey can I get more gear space? You can go ahead and lose the NOTES blank space." or "Hey can I get a portrait box on page 1? I don't think I need the Specialization boxes to make room for that."

The Sheets

WEG Version 1 : This sheet is inspired by WEG in that skills are filed with its appropriate characteristic. It's a beginner sheet in that page one has the most readily referenced material and enough space for beginner to mid-level characters.

WEG Version 2 : Same as WEG version 1 but without the specialization boxes for those who use separate talent tree printouts. A Gear box has been added to the front page and a Special Ability box remains for those species-specific abilities. On page two the special abilities box has been replaced by a Bio/Backstory space.

Range Tracker: This is a simple sheet meant to track ranges when there are multiple combatants. Use counters (beans, glass, dice, minis) to track characters/ships. This is just a simple sheet meant for a player to track his own ranges (the PC is always in the center).

Wish List

Reduced Skill Version : this one will be a sheet without pre-filled skills. Each slot will be a "write-in". This should allow the entire skill space to be reduced.

Cinematic Version : this one will favor character development over stats.

No Longer Developed

EotE Version 1 : This one places skills back in EotE order and has a Characteristic grouping. It comes with specialization box(es).

EotE Version 2 : This one loses the specialization boxes.

Coming Soon

Edited by mrvander

The talents probably should be a single block; many are going to be acquired from multiple specializations, and they do stack... and it would add room for at least 3 more entries when you eliminate the second header.

The talents probably should be a single block; many are going to be acquired from multiple specializations, and they do stack... and it would add room for at least 3 more entries when you eliminate the second header.

Excellent feedback. I'll make another version for more experienced characters. I'd like to point out those aren't just headers - those are blocks to actually write in the specializations you have chosen. Between the two on page one and the additional block on page two, I think there's plenty of space for all starting characters to most mid-range PC's.

Edited by mrvander

Hmm Interesting idea using the WEG idea of grouping.

WEG version two (minus specialization boxes) has been added.

That's awesome! Yoink!


hey I would like to see a WEG starship sheet version.

Nice work! Can we get an advanced version that replaces the portrait box with two more spec boxes?

WEG-style starship sheet. Noted and added to to-do list.

WEG-style version with MORE spec boxes instead of less - noted and added to to-do list.

Thanks, folks.

Edited by mrvander

I added a simple range tracker.

I've added the EotE version to my character sheets. To be honest I'm not totally happy with it. Also, there's other character sheets out there that adhere to the EotE style that I've decided not to spend any more time on this one. I think I'm just going to stick with the WEG-Styling as my thing.

If you really do like it, perhaps I can be convinced to build off of it if you really, really, really wanted something based off that sheet, but I'm not planning on anything - so ask nicely and given time, I can probably accommodate.

Edited by mrvander

I think I'm just going to stick with the WEG-Styling as my thing.

I personally dig the WEG style sheet, so count me in as a happy bald cheerleader on that front.

Bah! Stupid net nanny wont let me see the sheets here at work!

These are very nice! Thanks for sharing them!

These are great. Very well thought out and kudos on the subtle effective design flourishes. A very good looking sheet.

My feedback: CAREER is a short non-changing element, while SPECIALIZATIONS can be numerous, so on WEG v2 I'd add a SPECIALIZATION label a third along the CAREER line.

Not sure you need to signify combat and knowledge skills. Shrug. Could be cleaner with out. Or you could make a much smaller symbol, and an annotation below the characteristic boxes. Initially the black colored symbol indicating these specific skills confused me because it looked like someone had already colored in skill choices for me. Once I saw the column header it made sense, but it still irks me its the same lozenge shape as something I fill in, which if I did in black pen, Would be indistinguishable from this mark.

Line weight art direction. :) the top lines for name, career etc are thicker than other horizontal lines the player writes on. I'd make them thinner too. The box that contains the all important characteristic could be a smidge taller (scaling the box upwards into the gap) and have a darker outline, or double line, to draw one's eye there. These are key numbers yet the box that contains them is treated very simply.

And lastly, where's WEIGHT? :)

Awesome job dude. Going to offer them to my players as an alternative. Also hanks for the range finder. Very handy.

These are great. Very well thought out and kudos on the subtle effective design flourishes. A very good looking sheet.

My feedback: CAREER is a short non-changing element, while SPECIALIZATIONS can be numerous, so on WEG v2 I'd add a SPECIALIZATION label a third along the CAREER line.

Not sure you need to signify combat and knowledge skills. Shrug. Could be cleaner with out. Or you could make a much smaller symbol, and an annotation below the characteristic boxes. Initially the black colored symbol indicating these specific skills confused me because it looked like someone had already colored in skill choices for me. Once I saw the column header it made sense, but it still irks me its the same lozenge shape as something I fill in, which if I did in black pen, Would be indistinguishable from this mark.

Line weight art direction. :) the top lines for name, career etc are thicker than other horizontal lines the player writes on. I'd make them thinner too. The box that contains the all important characteristic could be a smidge taller (scaling the box upwards into the gap) and have a darker outline, or double line, to draw one's eye there. These are key numbers yet the box that contains them is treated very simply.

And lastly, where's WEIGHT? :)

Awesome job dude. Going to offer them to my players as an alternative. Also hanks for the range finder. Very handy.

Hey thanks for the feedback. I'll fix those line weights, I'm sure I made the top section first then when I was playing with the skill boxes, adjusted the weights on those. I agree, making the top ones thinner will subtly add some consistency.

As for the other feedback, I think I can accommodate it all, but these decisions were thought about....

As for WEIGHT the "stat", there is a BUILD already and weight just seemed redundant. That one was purposely left off. Use build however you want, descriptive or just put a weight there. I'll adjust the header to signify this.

Knowledge and Combat skills have specific call-outs due to the rules of the game as those skills share the same base mechanics. That is you spend results on them the same way - so knowing which is a combat skill and which is knowledge should be helpful to the player to know how to spend results per the RAW. That said, I really like your feedback to modify the call-out to those skills. The original idea was indeed a pre-filled in box as the blank rows have the same boxes that are not filled in. I'll play with it as I don't like it being so large (nor am I totally happy with its position.)

There is no place for adding specializations to v2 since that sheet is totally a specialization-free sheet as the idea is that players are using one of the various talent tree sheets (or now... decks) to track their specializations & talents. I can certainly add a small Specialization header to the Career line just to have a place to write them down though. There certainly is space for it.

Awesome feedback, thanks. I'll crack the sheet open some more this week and work on it.

your weg character sheet are really great. Thank you sir

I definitely like the style and cleanness you've got here. Couple suggestions

  • A way to do the section headings without making big black areas, this is a big ink hog.
  • I dont really see the point in wasting all that space to designate if it a skill is 'combat' or not.
  • Weapons, Armor & Gear really do all need to go together on the same page, put all the mushy character info on 2nd page. Most people arent going to write in backstory for the most part either, if they do it certainly isnt going to fit in the box you have in v2, may as well lose it and put in a more details TALENTS section.
  • Gear & talents should have a space reversed for listing a page number they can be found on.

These are great. I'm in a group with several force users and we haven't been able to find a sheet that has space for force powers etc.

Would it be possible to remove the obligation and motivation sections and put specializations on the back page? This would allow more space to jot down summaries of the various talents as well as hopefully leave room for a possible third specialization.

The next thought is if the specializations and talents were on the back page maybe there would be room for force powers on the front? If not perhaps a third page could be added that is dedicated for force specializations and powers? We don't really need the portrait so maybe remove that?

I think the combat and knowledge checkoff columns take up more space than is useful. We know that brawl is a combat skill. The knowledge skills are a bit more subtle, but if you just throw a "Know." in front of each skill name (e.g. "Core Worlds" becomes "Know. Core Worlds") that eliminates the confusion.

I think it would be good to remove armor, it can easily be noted in the same fields as the gear section, this would give the weapons section on the first page more room. We can always use more weapon lines.

Honestly I can see the appeal of the EotE version with the skills all in order (makes them easier to find without knowing what characteristic they're linked to) so if you could whip up a version of that one but with the same mods I mention above that would be awesome too. Let the people decide.

Thanks a bunch.

I love these sheets, but am making a few small changes myself. Can I ask which font you used?

I found this while browsing another site. I'm glad to put a name to it. I would also (funny how that works) like to make a few suggestions.

I'd like to see a sort of blended version of the two. I like the credits line in the gear section from v2, as well as the background section. I think that it's important to have a talents section, even if using separate sheets. I could also live with the portrait being binned (possibly to be replaced with talents). I could also live with the character name header on the second page going, since printing 2 sided isn't difficult. Lastly, and I'm assuming that you're doing this, I'd like to see the Warfare skill from AoR added, as well as F&D skills when that game lands.

In terms of minor changes for different lines (like motivation vs duty, logos, etc), I understand that some work can be done with the PDF to have some toggle buttons (that do not print) which change content. I've only done it once myself, but I've seen it in publisher PDFs before. I think it allows you to turn on or off certain layers.

Lastly, any chance for a landscape version? I find myself more interested in landscape sheets lately, which display better on a computer screen and take up less space at the table (I can explain this one. It's kind of odd).