Stygian Eye + The Greatest Fear

By, in CoC Rules Discussion

A little question...

I play Stygian Eye over a character's opponent. This character haven't willpower or terror icon. I exhaust this character, after I ready it and become insane by Stygian Eye.

The character loose Stigian Eye, and return of its owner. As Response I play the Greatest Fear. My opponent must discart two cards.

It is correct?

========== Hastur ==========

•Stygian Eye, It Seduces with Promises of Power
Type : Support
Cost : 2
Subtype : Attachment. Relic.
Game Text : Attach to a non-Ancient One character. Take control of attached character. After Stygian Eye leaves play, shuffle it into its owner's deck. Forced Response: After attached character is readied, it goes insane.
Flavor text :
Illustrator : Sara Biddle
Collector's Info : Into Tartarus F96

========== Neutral ==========

The Greatest Fear
Type : Event
Cost : 1
Subtype : Disaster. Madness.
Game Text : Response: After a character goes insane, its controller discards 2 cards at random from his hand. Then, for each event or support card thus discarded, you may place 1 success token on a story.
Flavor text :
Illustrator : Oliver Specht
Collector's Info : Spawn of Madness F20

I think it is correct. After you ready the character, the Forced Response triggers and resolves making the character insane. Right after that, the Stygian is discarded (I look at rule texts as passive effects). All this happens in step 5 of the Action window. Later, in step 6, you trigger the Response of the Greatest Fear. By then, that character's controller is your opponent.

I'm thinking the opposite that works .

According to the core rules:

When a character goes insane, it is flipped facedown and all cards attached to it are destroyed.

Or even if you considered the effects from going insane to be passive effects instead, then from the FAQ:

5) Forced Responses

After any passive abilities triggered as a result of the action or disrupt are resolved, forced responses that trigger off the action, the disrupt or passive ability resolved previously during the

Action Window now trigger in the order determined by the active player.

For every forced response, players must go through these steps before the response is fully executed:

1) Initiate forced response --character is readied, and so Forced Response is triggered

2) Disrupt (only for the preceding forced response)

3) Execute forced response --character goes insane

4) Resolve passive abilities whose requirements are now met by the forced response, etc. (following the same steps as Step 4 (I through V of the action window)) --affects of going insane occur, where attachment is destroyed and control of insane character reverts to owner

5) Resolve forced responses triggered by the force response, etc. (following the same steps as Step 4 (I through V of the action window))

Any cards that are killed, discarded, or returned to a player’s hand as a result of a response are immediately removed.

So by the time the forced response is resolved and you want to play The Greatest Fear as a response, it's now your opponent's insane character and you'd he'd have to discard two cards . of your own. You still might get some success tokens out of it if you're holding a hand of support cards, though!

Edited by jasonconlon
So by the time the forced response is resolved and you want to play The Greatest Fear as a response, it's now your insane character and you'd have to discard two cards of your own. You still might get some success tokens out of it if you're holding a hand of support cards, though!

I think you're actually of the same opinion as HilariousPete. Note that in the OP's example the same player is playing first the 'Stygian Eye' on an opponent's character and then (after control reverted to his opponent) 'The Greatest Fear'.

Sorry, I mixed up who was playing Stygian eye. HilariousPete is of course correct. (I've gone back and corrected my original post.)

Cheers jhaelen.

Edited by jasonconlon