The Wound System

By Saldre, in Game Mechanics

The only solution is to use numbers and hp for "normal" and less important npc, and the New system for "Boss" npc.


Uhm... You get that that's precisely how it works, right? Only PCs and boss type enemies are subject to the full injury system. In a big epic showdown type fight, you'll have maybe 1 enemy who uses the full injury system, 1-2 that uses part of it, and a bunch who don't use it at all.

Reading through the beta rules, I have to say. The only thing that you do not use on novice and epic npcs are critical wounds, as they are killed by them. You still use the wound effects and conditions, so as long as they take regular damage, you will have to look up what the effects of the wound is, which slows down play. Your assumption that you do not use wound effects, Simsum, is as far as I can see when reading the rules is incorrect.

IMHO if FF wants to have proper feedback on their betas, they should release the beta rules for free. Not charge money for it. I assume the forum would be filled with more players and gamemasters discussing the changes if they had free access to the betas.

DH1 damage system was not perfect, but it worked without to much hassle. DH2 is just insane to keep track of. It would work for a computer game, but not for human beings handling many npcs etc at the same time. Hit point systems are never realistic, but they are usually fast. And that is a tradeoff you have to do to keep a reasonable pace and the game fun to play. Simulationism is a disease that affects every RPG eventually, when someone has the idea to make the rules more "realistic". I have in my 30+ years as role-player yet to see a rule-set that are usable (meaning not spend the whole evening for playing 4+ rounds of combat) when it goes down the route of simulation.

My favorite system for fantasy role-playing is Stormbringer. In this you take Major Wound when you suffer damage that is greater than 1/2 your hit points in a single hit. DH2 should use something akin to that. If you remove wound points as per DH1. You can simply use; If Damage < DV then you suffer one Wound, if Damage > DV, then you suffer a Critical Wound. Remove all the tables and just use a simple rule; A critical wound requires you to succeed on a toughness test or be incapacitated (not able to continue fighting due to injury). An incapacitated character is down, out, unconcious whatever fits the situation, and is considered to be at risk of dying. Basically, he or she is just out of the fight and are not part of the equation anymore. After the combat is done, you can apply some rule to see if the character survives the injuries or not.

Edited by Arioch

Simsum is right that you never use wound effects for Novices. They're killed outright by 2 wounds, or a single RF, and you never check the tables.

For Elites, you do use the tables - but in my experience it's not a big deal, since they tend to die from RFs pretty quickly.

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Would I ever be sarcastic ?

I'm sure you have been sarcastic in the past, but your tenuous grasp on language makes it hard to tell.


Here's a hint: if you're finding similarities between a game played with dice, pencils, paper, and ~2-4 other real people (even through tele-conference) and a video game played with a computer over the internet with thousands of strangers doing the same scripted quest over and over you either don't understand how games work, are terrible at analyzing and critiquing game design, or have serious mental health issues involving finding patterns where none exist.

If you want to critique DH2's realism, complexity, or ease of management, do that. Video games and tabletop games are entirely separate media and dropping a "not a mem-or-peg-ah" crap post makes you look dumb.

I see this is your first post. Welcome to the forums.


Here's a hint: if you're finding similarities between a game played with dice, pencils, paper, and ~2-4 other real people (even through tele-conference) and a video game played with a computer over the internet with thousands of strangers doing the same scripted quest over and over you either don't understand how games work, are terrible at analyzing and critiquing game design, or have serious mental health issues involving finding patterns where none exist.

If you want to critique DH2's realism, complexity, or ease of management, do that. Video games and tabletop games are entirely separate media and dropping a "not a mem-or-peg-ah" crap post makes you look dumb.

I see this is your first post. Welcome to the forums.

Just have to ask. "WHAT?"

Black Ronin said nothing about DH2 having similarity about MMORPG, actually the opposite. I found his post was good and you just picked something out of it and wrote dismissing post.

if you think his post had something not your liking give critique but insulting or saying people have mental health issues isn't right.

" It's not a mmorpg, it's a paper&pencil game! In a massive fights, with a large number of npc, undreds of bullets and effcts you will need an app to help you to remind and write down all those **** conditions as a storyteller. And i don't even want to talk about AP system: 4AP*Xnpcs that u Have to use to offer your player a proper and challenging fight."

He gave critique against DH2 realism, complexity or easy of management. But you just took out the MMORPG and posted your insults against him.

Edited by Routa-maa

Just have to ask. "WHAT?"

Black Ronin said nothing about DH2 having similarity about MMORPG, actually the opposite. I found his post was good and you just picked something out of it and wrote dismissing post.

He gave critique against DH2 realism, complexity or easy of management. But you just took out the MMORPG and posted your insults against him.

Comparing a tabletop game to an online video game is a fool's errand. If you (the general you, not specifically you) can't discuss game mechanics without resorting to dog-whistle video game mechanics you have no business offering feedback beyond, "I didn't like it."

My response may have been hyperbolic, but BR's post is an example of the kind of terrible posts railing against perceived similarities to online video games. I would very much like BR to come and clarify his problems with the game.

if you think his post had something not your liking give critique but insulting or saying people have mental health issues isn't right.

I legitimately can't parse this sentence. I apologize if you took offense to a perceived stigmatization of people with mental health issues; that wasn't my intention.

" It's not a mmorpg, it's a paper&pencil game!

This is a meaningless tautology.

OK. I might have taken that little too much, but knowing people who have mental issues (mild and severe) I never like it when other people make those kind of comments.

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Would I ever be sarcastic ?

I'm sure you have been sarcastic in the past, but your tenuous grasp on language makes it hard to tell.


Here's a hint: if you're finding similarities between a game played with dice, pencils, paper, and ~2-4 other real people (even through tele-conference) and a video game played with a computer over the internet with thousands of strangers doing the same scripted quest over and over you either don't understand how games work, are terrible at analyzing and critiquing game design, or have serious mental health issues involving finding patterns where none exist. If you want to critique DH2's realism, complexity, or ease of management, do that. Video games and tabletop games are entirely separate media and dropping a "not a mem-or-peg-ah" crap post makes you look dumb. I see this is your first post. Welcome to the forums.

Yeah - my tenuous grasp on language enables me to create a cloud of mystery around myself.

I am like a ninja. Just without the black outfit. And the throwing stars. And the agility. And the ability to walk up walls.

But besides that. Like a ninja...

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Would I ever be sarcastic ?

The only plausible explanation is that you are being sarcastic, or you don't know what objectivity is. "Great" is a word signify an opinion, and opinions are by their nature, not objective. You've basically just told everyone that your opinion is fact, when it is most certainly not a fact.

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Is that sarcasm? Or are you actually serious?

Would I ever be sarcastic ?

The only plausible explanation is that you are being sarcastic, or you don't know what objectivity is. "Great" is a word signify an opinion, and opinions are by their nature, not objective. You've basically just told everyone that your opinion is fact, when it is most certainly not a fact.

Or he doesn't actually know the definition of the word 'objective'. Want to start a pool to bet on which it is?

Or you guys are discussing way to much about things that wouldnt need to be discussed.

If we dont get some new information soon, I think we will be starting to discuss our avatars and what they can tell us about the person who chose them.