Welcome to the proofreading changes sub-forum for the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta.
In this thread, you can list any proofreading changes you find in Chapter VIII: Narrative Tools.
Welcome to the proofreading changes sub-forum for the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta.
In this thread, you can list any proofreading changes you find in Chapter VIII: Narrative Tools.
p 229 says: "More details on social encounters can be found on page 229."
That's a recursive direction, and not terribly helpful
p 251: "The most common effects are described under the Fear trait in on page 131 ."
The redirect is incorrect. The Fear Trait (which lacks heading, btw) is on p 127
p 256, Phantom Malady: "This character only suffers a –30 penalty to tests made with a fatigued characteristic instead of automatically failing those tests (see page 205)."
The rules for fatigue only add time to tests made with a fatigued attribute, it says nothing about failing them automatically.
p 256, Witch Curse: "He gains the Psyker talent and learns 1 psychic power that costs 100xp or less."
There is no Psyker talent. Is this meant to be the complete Psyker elite advance (and if yes, do you gain the d10+10 corruption if you're not sanctioned and can then increase your psy rating and buy psychic powers as normal), or should it simply be "Psy Rating 1"?
Also, can the power you gain be any power that costs 100xp or less, ignoring prerequisites, or do you have to adhere to the psychic power tree structure?
Using Fate Points, pg. 245, includes "Re-roll a failed test once. The results of the re-roll are final." This exact sentence appears in DH1. In the errata for DH1 (if I recall correctly) it is changed to remove the word 'failed', allowing one to reroll any test, passed or failed. Is this an oversight? Or a rolling back of the DH1 change?
I just checked the OW rulebook. It contains the same sentence with the word 'failed' present. What's the story here?
Edited by cps