Welcome to the proofreading changes sub-forum for the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta.
In this thread, you can list any proofreading changes you find in Chapter V: Armoury.
Welcome to the proofreading changes sub-forum for the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta.
In this thread, you can list any proofreading changes you find in Chapter V: Armoury.
On page 140, the hand cannon is listed as a Basic weapon. I could understand that considering it's intended for two hands, but the description on page 142 covers the need for a recoil glove to fire it one handed, which seems to indicate to me that the weapon is intended to be listed as a Light weapon, given it is still a pistol, albeit a massive one.
Honestly not sure if this is a mistake or not, but I figured I might as well post it in case it indeed is.
Edited by Tom CruiseOn table 5-6 on page 140, there is an entry for autocannon, but there are no corresponding entry about it under Solid Projectile Weapons on pp. 142-3. I suppose it will appear later, but still lacking at this moment.
On p 149, the Mono mod specifies granting the "Sapping (X)" quality to the weapon.
But how to determine the value of X here?
Edit: The same applies to Bleeder rounds on p 150
Edited by Darth SmegThe Piercing Quality on page 136 is listed as "Piercing (X)," but has no value corresponding to X.
Dumdum shells page 150
This is listed as available for Bolt Weapons, but all Bolt Weapons already have Tearing and I assume don't want to add Inaccurate for no benefit.
Fragmentation Rounds page 150
"Rate of fire is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1"
Is this implying that this ammunition is only for weapons with a RoF of 2 or better (which reduce by 1 to a minimum of 1) or can this ammunition be used in something like a shotgun (or any other weapon with RoF 1 or less) to increase its rate of fire to a "minimum of 1"?
The Power Maul on Page 146 has Concussive (0). Shouldn't this be at least 1?
The Power Maul on Page 146 has Concussive (0). Shouldn't this be at least 1?
I can actually answer this one ^^ Concussive makes you take a toughness test with a penalty equal to -(X*10) to avoid being dazed for one round, so in case of Concussive (0), you'd simply have to take an unmodified test.
p 146, in the table for melee weapons, both Shock Weapons have the "Sapping (X)" quality. Should these not list a value for X?
1 or 2, perhaps?
p. 156, Table 5-14 Drugs and Consumables:
-Lho-Sticks are not marked in the table as being addictive. Their description says so.
Forgery kits are list in the table of Tools (pg 158) but are not described in that section (or any section).
Clip/Drop Harnesses are not listed in table 5-16 on p158.
Bracing a heavy weapon is listed as 1 AP on page 134, but is listed as 2 AP on page 198. Which is it?
p 158/164: The combi-tool grants a bonus of +20 to tech-use, the utility mechadendrite (which "acts as a combi-tool" according to its entry) only grants +10. Is this intended and if not, which bonus is correct?
p 150: Dumdum shells add Inaccurate. Does this cancel out Accurate (so you simply gain +10 for aiming), or does it overwrite accurate, eliminating the bonus for aiming completely?
Edited by PentregarthI may just have missed this, but Fragmentation Rounds (pg. 151) add the Storm quality to a weapon, which was removed in the first update. The update did not contain any change to Fragmentation Rounds - what do these do now?
Page 137
"...each count as being stuck by a separate attack..."
Should be
"...each count a being struck by a separate attack..."
P132 -> Weapon Profile -> Rate of Fire (RoF):
"In these cases, these weapons cannot be fired unless the action being used to attack multiplies their RoF above 1"
Technically this should be "to 1 or above".
Felling (X):
The X does nothing!
I feel like it was going to reduce target's Toughness Bonus by X, but then that adds another equation in, which is poor for mental arithmetic. My honest thought on that would be "Just make it so that Pen subtracts from total Defence, not location Armour", but then that doesn't take into account weapons that are Felling that are poor against armoured targets (certain super-toxins? I guess) or characters with Nimble.
The description of healers contains the talent Master Chirurgeon - this talent does not exist in DH2
It is not stated clear enough, if the limit on cybernetic slots by Toughness bonus is valid for all cybernetics (including limbs etc) or not.
The Requisition Test, pg. 110, "drugs, and other single-use items garner one item, plus one extra for every degrees of success on the test beyond the first."
Should be either "degree" or "every two degrees", whichever was intended.
The Memorance Implant on page 145 makes reference to the Total Recall talent, which no longer exists.
Recoil gloves are listed as having Common availability. They originally had Common availability in DH 1.0, but this was changed to Rare in the official errata. Shouldn't they be Rare in DH 2.0 as well?
There may be multiple instances of this same problem in the beta rulebook -- I will post more corrections as I find them.