Beginner Questions

By Callistan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi folks -

We were playing one of the first scenarios yesterday and a couple of questons came up that I would like to get clarified:

1) Can a character with the acrobat skill move through a pit without suffering wounds or extra movement costs?

2) Can someone in a pit use a breath attack? Even if no one is in LOS? I assume yes to this one though it 'feels' odd

3) Can some one under the effects of paralyzing gas (their turn ends immediately) still benefit from previously placed orders such as guard and rest? I assumed no; that all actions for the character were cancelled until the next turn.

1) I somehow have the impression that they can, though I don't have the card in front of me and I am unable to find any official clarification. I may just be defaulting to have it behave like the Fly ability in any ambiguous case.

2) Breath attacks can explicitly hit opponents that are not within your line of sight, so I don't see any reason why not.

3) Why would you assume that? Certainly if you declared a Ready action but haven't actually placed the order yet, you lose your chance, but if you already have the order, I don't see any reason you can't use it.

Antistone said:

1) I somehow have the impression that they can, though I don't have the card in front of me and I am unable to find any official clarification. I may just be defaulting to have it behave like the Fly ability in any ambiguous case.

2) Breath attacks can explicitly hit opponents that are not within your line of sight, so I don't see any reason why not.

3) Why would you assume that? Certainly if you declared a Ready action but haven't actually placed the order yet, you lose your chance, but if you already have the order, I don't see any reason you can't use it.

1) Agreed. I have a paraphrased version of Acrobat in a spreadsheet that says may move through obstacles and figures with no effect, which, without having the actual card text available, would support Antistone's impression.

2) agreed

3) agreed, in all particulars.

for 2, I agree with both respondants' rulings, but would add that I'd likely suggest a house rule against allowing it for my group (though it hasn't come up) since it doesn't make too much sense to me (though I guess the hero could be holding the rune over his head pointing it in the general direction ;-D)

With regards to #3: My assumption was based on the belief that the readied action is still part of the heroes turn albeit one that takes effect during the OL's turn. Paralyzing gas ends the heroes turn and should therefore also end that action. I agree with your position If the ready action is already placed is not actually part of the the hero's turn.

If I declare a ready action - Guard, there is nothing stopping me from putting the the guard token on immediately and then taking the move or attack action is there? Would taking an attack after placing the Guard use up the Guard?

Callistan said:

With regards to #3: My assumption was based on the belief that the readied action is still part of the heroes turn albeit one that takes effect during the OL's turn. Paralyzing gas ends the heroes turn and should therefore also end that action. I agree with your position If the ready action is already placed is not actually part of the the hero's turn.

If I declare a ready action - Guard, there is nothing stopping me from putting the the guard token on immediately and then taking the move or attack action is there? Would taking an attack after placing the Guard use up the Guard?

Placing the readied action is part of the heroes turn. Resolving it is independent of the heroes turn.

DJitD pg 15
A guard order stays with a hero until removed by one of the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more wounds, 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, or 3) the hero uses the order to make an interrupt attack.
Moving or attacking after placing the guard order is not one of the events that removes the guard order.

Osaka said:

for 2, I agree with both respondants' rulings, but would add that I'd likely suggest a house rule against allowing it for my group (though it hasn't come up) since it doesn't make too much sense to me (though I guess the hero could be holding the rune over his head pointing it in the general direction ;-D)

Why doesn't it make sense?

What is the difference between billowing over a wall of rubble and billowing over the edge of a pit (a pit that can be seen into from a distance mind you!)?

Keep in mind that if you place a Guard order before opening the door (so that you can use it in the event of a Paralyzing Gas trap), then if the overlord plays a damaging trap instead (e.g. Explosive Door), then you lose the order due to suffering wounds--which is usually not a risk if you wait to place it as the last thing you do during your turn. So there's kind of a gamble either way.