A common deckbuilding trap I'm often finding myself caught in is playing a pod more for the objective itself than the cards that come with it. Once I let go of the need for the objective's ability to be integral to my strategy, I found my decks got better because they proved more flexible with the higher variety of cards. I really delved into this approach when trying to get my favourite affiliation, Scum & Villainy, up to snuff and I think I have come up with a solid build. I think other players may be struggling with this affiliation too so I've shared my deck list and thoughts below.
Scum & Villainy
Objectives (10):
Lucrative Contract x1
Feeding the Pit x1
Trandoshan Terror x1
Hive of Scum and Villainy x1
Jabba's Reach x2
Carbonite Transport x2
The Tatooine Crash x2
Units (28):
Jawa Scavenger x4
Corrupt Wing Guard x2
Gamorrean Guard x3
Greedo x1
Paid Informant x2
Corrupt Official x2
Trandoshan Hunter x2
Bib Fortuna x1
Sandcrawler x2
Jabba's Pleasure Barge x2
Bossk x1
Krayt Dragon x1
Outer Rim Space Pirates x1
Slave 1 x2
Jabba the Hutt x2
Enhancements (7):
The Almighty Sarlacc x1
Bounty x2
Prized Possession x4
Events (9):
Captured x1
Spice Visions x1
Explosive Charge x1
Utinni! x2
Tractor Beam x2
Reversal of Fate x2
Fate Cards (6):
Heat of Battle x1
Target of Opportunity x2
Twist of Fate x3
Aside from the various synergies between my objectives, there are a lot of neat interactions to exploit in the deck proper to keep your opponents on their toes. Capturing is fairly important here, but the variety of units and abilities should allow you to make a decent go of it even if you don't draw the cards to make that element work quickly. I've been on the fence about Trandoshan Terror as I think a second Hive of Scum and Villainy would provide most of the same with a much better objective and even more aggression, but I'm also looking at Jabba's Orders because the Weequay Elites and Jabba's Palace are so great. The Bespin Exchange and Hunt For Han Solo are both contenders as well. I plan to try them all and see what works best, but the nucleus of Carbonite Transport, The Tatooine Crash, and Jabba's Reach are the foundation of this deck and are unlikely to change.
Dumping out hordes of smaller units is generally the order of business to support the bigger plays of Jabba the Hutt and Slave 1. I have no problem focusing resource generators multiple times at once to get a speedy leg-up on my opponent. This deck is all about hitting hard and fast while stabilizing with card draw and disruption. Hitting Jabba as quickly as possible, for example, can completely warp the game in your favour. Careful timing of your captures and the shell game of Carbonite Transport should ease the risk of building up a large pile of card for your opponent to rescue back to their hand.
Here is my card-by-card analysis...
Lucrative Contract
I try to avoid anything with an ability that is contingent on you having the correct cards to use with it unless it is very reliable. This objective is narrowly useful, but it has two resources and if it happens to see play it can help several units in the deck deal with focus tokens. The pod itself is the real star here. The only objective I would choose it over at the start of the game is Trandoshan Terror.
Feeding the Pit
This objective is great, but its another ability that requires other cards to work. Jabba's Reach and The Tatooine Crash are the real priorities, so I would only ever want a single copy in play. Carbonite Transport is a great card to keep Feeding the Pit, and especially with Crash in play too. The pod has several great cards, but nothing I need multiples of.
Trandoshan Terror
This objective doesn't do anything for my plans so I never keep it from my opening four. It's not the worst thing to see, but every other objective is far more important. The pod itself is great, but I actually may end up swapping it out for another copy of...
Hive of Scum and Villainy
The ability of this objective is not to be taken lightly. It is an extremely unattractive target for opposing attacks, which makes it a great place to store captured cards. I'm rather fond of the cards within it too, but more on them later.
Jabba's Reach
This objective is great, but getting cards on it can be a lot easier said then done without something like the Carbonite Transport/Tatooine Crash combo. This card is an attack magnet, but what great objective isn't? The cards in the pod itself are incredibly important too.
Carbonite Transport
I vastly underestimated the utility of this objective's ability. Aside from the obvious interactions it has with The Tatooine Crash and Jabba's Reach, the ability to mislead your opponent as to which cards are held where is incredibly potent. The cards within the pod are all key, so it is a two of. I avoid keeping more then one in play, but it really isn't the worst thing in the world.
The Tatooine Crash
This objective is amazing. It enables so many combos and tricks and the whole time it only serves to disrupt your opponent's strategy. This is perhaps one of the most important cards in the deck, but that doesn't necessarily mean you want multiples in play. The optimal objective draw is Crash, Carbonite Transport, and Jabba's Reach or Feeding the Pit, but Crash, Crash, and Carbonite can be extremely frustrating for an opponent too.
Jawa Scavenger
This is one of my favourite cards in the game now. You really want to be extremely careful when playing multiples as they can and will clog your hand, but Jabba's Reach can easily make that drawback pale in significance. Any card that you can always play no matter what is great in a game like this where you cycle through so many cards. Tactics icons win games, and the jawas' limited time on table make them excellent units to help take the Balance of the Force.
Corrupt Wing Guard
This guy is really good. This deck excels at making the most of few resources and this guy becomes as good as as a two drop very easily. If you can't make use of his ability, he is a decent Force weenie first turn or if your opponent isn't being careful.
Gamorrean Guard
As much as I wish this guy had an ability of some kind, I can't argue with the efficiency. I find this deck tends to exert its resources quickly to get a fast advantage in the early game, so low cost characters are important for those turns where you only have four or less resources due to a big last turn.
People seem to be really down on Greedo, but I think they're mistaken. Not only is he a solid card to commit to the Force, in a pinch he can be a great solo attacker. With a lot of Fate manipulation in the deck, his drawbacks aren't nearly so bad if you want him on defense too.
Paid Informant
This guy is a standard aggro unit, but the Bounty Hunter trait makes him a lot more relevant if you have Lucrative Contract in play.
Corrupt Official
This card is amazing, but I've come to feel four copies are more trouble than they're worth. This guy can be used to stall your opponent as you build your forces, but stalling your opponent isn't helping you win the game any faster. I don't think he's pretty much ever worth putting into play, which makes him one more card in the deck you have to hold on to until the right moment. Use him sooner rather than later to dig through your deck more quickly and he's the tops.
Trandoshan Hunter
Wookiees are likely going to be a relevant strategy for a long time, so don't underestimate the potential of his ability. His icons make him a great defender. I've been pleased with him thus far.
Bib Fortuna
Bib can be a wonderful resource accelerator, but he really stinks to draw in multiples so I'm happy with only one in the deck. I generally find unique cards that aren't important to your strategy with less than 3 Force Icons aren't worth playing in multiples and this guy is a shining example of this principle.
This card has been somewhat controversial since it was spoiled, but I fall firmly in the "It's good." camp. The cost is unwieldy, but the shielding, good defensive icons, and decent Force skill make it a solid and versatile unit. If you are scared of its Forced Reaction, hold the crawler back until you can take advantage of its ability yourself.
Jabba's Pleasure Barge
Great card. It is almost like a Rogue 3 for Scum. It may not be as brutal, but it's a lot trickier which makes it easy for an unwary opponent to underestimate. The jawas and Jabba can clear the path for the Barge to deal the full three damage it is capable of alone with ease.
Force Lightning is one of the best cards in the game. This is effectively that added to a rather savage offensive unit. The limitation to only capture characters isn't so bad when you think of how many definitive Light Side units there are with that trait. People dislike how slow he is to recover from his effect, but there are a few ways to mitigate that in the deck, like Lucrative Contract, so I think the criticisms are overblown. Even if he needs a turn or two to come back online, he is generally worth the wait.
Krayt Dragon
This is a great unit, but the high cost in a deck with several other more important cards in its price range make it much less valuable. It is a very blunt instrument, and Scum is all about finesse. Spice Visions makes this thing absolutely evil, though.
Outer Rim Space Pirates
This card isn't nearly as good as it may seem. A five cost resource accelerator feels like its missing the point. It is great in an Edge battle and okay for trying to keep control of the Force, but I would prefer to draw any other card than this in most circumstances. People balk at paying full price for Weequay Elite, and this card isn't much better for one more resource. This and Explosive Charge are all that is keeping Lucrative Contract from being a mandatory two-of for Scum in my opinion.
Slave 1
I keep hearing negative opinions of this card and I think they are all crazy. It is a very fragile unit in many ways, but I'd rather have a glass cannon in my deck than none at all. With the amount of Tactics icons in the deck to help clear a path, Slave 1 will likely destroy at least one objective when it sees play. It isn't hard for this deck to get it fully armed, so it quickly becomes a must-defend for your opponent.
Jabba the Hutt
One of the most important cards in the deck. Jabba's job generally is to sit back and ruin your opponent's attacks. If the Edge battle goes unfavourably and Jabba is unlikely to have an impact, trigger his ability to get a free Bounty or the like. Definitely a favourite.
The Almighty Sarlacc
This card is good, but not great. Aside from the obvious ability to undo a double focus on an objective, you can use the Sarlacc to help surprise your opponent with an event when they least expect it. If you plan to use it to play Reversal of Fate, be sure to trigger the ability just before the Edge battle starts for maximum effect. You can easily bluff an opponent with his by making them expect an event when you use this on their turn.
This is an awesome card, but against certain decks it can easily fall of its target. I think two copies is plenty as the time-delay capture makes it a less urgent play than most other cards. This card is excellent in tandem with a lot of Tactics icons, which this deck has in spades.
Prized Possession
I think expanding your resource base is one of the most integral elements of the game, so I usually try to play as many of these one drop Limited enhancements as possible. The fact that they come in two of the most important pods to the deck is no coincidence, either.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Much like Bossk and Force Lightning, this card can completely turn a game around, but its limitation makes it less versatile than the latter. One copy is fine for now.
Spice Visions
An amazing card, but the surrounding pod is filled with stuff I usually only want to see once a game, so I just have the one going for me. Jabba, Bib and Krayt Dragon are my favourite spice fiends for sure.
Explosive Charge
This card can be great but it is utterly useless until both you and your opponent have enhancements in play. Having it in hand first turn especially sucks. Discard quickly if you can't use it immediately.
This is a great card to get Jabba's Reach and similar effects online quickly. Clever timing of this event can totally ruin your opponent's day by screwing up everything from their resource base to their deck's overall strategy. Enhancements will only become more prevalent in this game as we get more to choose from, so the ability to disrupt them easily is very important.
Tractor Beam
A lot of effects in this deck only target characters so having a way to help deal with vehicle-based strategies gives the deck even more flexibility. Slave 1, Jabba's Pleasure Barge, Sandcrawler, and Outer Rim Space Pirates all contribute to making this a solid card against most Rebel decks and anything based around Preparation For Battle, which is an incredibly popular objective set. This card has three Force icons otherwise, so I'm not unhappy to draw one in most cases.
Reversal of Fate
This card is a lot harder to use well than it looks, but the impact it can have on the board is undeniable. Turning the tables in the right Edge battle can completely change the momentum of the entire game in your favour. Great card.
Heat of Battle
Not much to say about this one. You all know what it does.
Target of Opportunity
This deck is rather aggressive, so every little bit of damage helps.
Twist of Fate
Easily one of the top five cards in the game. I find playing four is a bit of overkill, so I haven't made it a priority in choosing pods. Three is proving more than enough, especially with Reversal of Fate also in the mix.
Edited by GongShowHost