There is a distinct lack of phrasing in the book with regards to how a psyker can target something. It seems to fall purely under the normal attack rules, which is fair.
But then I realized something odd.
Unlike the previous systems, there is no limitation saying a character with Mechanicus Implants can't get the psyker talents. In the previous systems, there had been fairly strict control over the gaining of psy rating, and it most often prevented the character from having ad. mech. implants (or vice versa). Without this limitation here, we run into something interesting:
Psykers can now have optical mechadendrites.
Which begs the question, can a psyker target a foe with a psychic power (assuming they are in range) through just the optical mechadendrite. For example, if I'm in one room, and there is an airvent into an adjacent room, can a psyker poke the mechadendrite through the grating, and, because they are still in range of the listed power, cast assail on them?
I'm not sure what the cleanest solution to this would be. On one hand, it could just be allowed. Its not much worse than the other crazy crap that can be caused. Of course, realize, you can't dodge psychic powers with agility anymore, its WP based all the way (of course you still add in evade, which is kinda crazy).
On the other hand, references to ideas like "line of effect" could be useful for psychic powers. Or maybe optical mechadendrites themselves should be written to disallow this.