So in general I like the idea of character creation. Home World + Background + Role - makes a lot of sense.
But I'm not really liking the Home Worlds at the moment. As it stands they are poorly balanced and more importantly quite bland.
For balance - well the first two are a perfect example. The Feral Worlder get 1-2 Fate threshold and the Heightened Senses (Smell) talent. From a Forge World you get 1-3 Fate and Technical Knock.
Even if you don't think Technical Knock is all that useful, it is at least getting you onto a talent tree. HS (Smell) though just seems like a bit of a joke, couldn't it have least been HS(Sight) or something else that might actually get used? And to start with less Fate just rubs it in. The Hive Worlder meanwhile gets 1-3 Fate and a bonus in combat, which seems like it will be pretty useful most of the time. The Voidborn is still 1-3 Fate but a very niche ability to ignore zero gravity. There are discrepancies here.
But actually my major concern is that the homeworlds aren't very distinct, and it'll be easy to forget later in play. The characteristic modifications are actually very slight, 3d10 drop lowest raises the average by about 3-4 points but that's all, less impressive than a say a flat +5 bonus. So being from a Feral world will probably give you a bit above average strength, but with no chance of being a mighty warrior.
So once a character has rolled his stats and Fate there's very little to say he's from the world other than the bonus. And in the case of a useless ability like HS (Smell) or ignoring zero G you will probably forget this.
It's worst for the two worlds that start with talents as a bonus. In the case of the Forge World you start with Technical Knock. But then if another party member, from say a Hive World, buys that talent you no longer have anything special about yourself. The same could be said for the Feral Worlder, but I have serious doubts anyone else will want to buy HS (Smell).
Some of the bonuses seem like they might come up a few times, but others not so much. Maybe each home world should start with a talent and a non-talent bonus? At least some attempt at making them interesting and balanced would be nice. Off the top of my head Feral Worlders could re-roll Survival rolls... infinitely more interesting and useful than Heightened Senses (Smell).
Edited by Morph