Is it now possible to be scared to death?

By drlove42, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Just re-reading Fatigue and damage sections

Double your Fatigue Threshold and you die. On a standard character....the threshold may be around 5-7 (T+WP Bonus)?

Failing a Fear test - Gain a fatigue

If you take part in a campaign that features a lot of deamons, and therefore a lot of fear tests is it now possible to literally die because you're scared?

No where does it say you don't take Fear tests while unconcious.

Insanity doesn't make you immune to fear like in DH1, just makes it more likely to pass

Pretty sure if you can't perceive the thing that generates fear, you don't suffer fear.

I think KommizzarK is right about the not being able to perceive stuff when unconscious.

I love the idea of being scared to death though, very Dark Heresy (although you wouldn't really want it to happen too often).

I assume thats the intention, unconcious immunises you to more fear rolls

However unconcious merely states you go prone, lose all your actions and are easier to hit. Nowhere under its rules does it say you actually pass out

Also it could very easily kill you another way. if you fatigue out and pass out in front of an enemy, particularly such a dangerous one it cause fatigue, you're as good as dead.

drlove is right about the other (probably more likely) way fear might kill you. Of course, that's what your companions are for –

protecting you when things have gone badly wrong!

I do like the idea that you could die from fear. There are certainly things in the 40k universe that would warrant it. As PCs, though, hopefully you'll be more stalwart than average folk and it will be an extremely rare scenario.