Plan Going Forward

By Randal, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta


With the release of DH Second Edition, what's the road map for the other Warhammer 40K RPG lines? Will there be more First Edition books released?

Personally I'd like to know if there will be a Nurgle Tome released for Black Crusade and any other books for the Black Crusade setting.

Or is this the end of the line for the other settings?


Deathwatch has at least one other book planned, and I see at least a Nurgle book and an Unaligned/endgame book for BC. Beyond that, no clue. Expect more for OW before it dies.

Well, they stated in the official announcement for the DH2 beta that there would be no second edition for the other games in the line. They just announced another supplement for Rogue Trader. I think it is safe to assume that they will continue the other games as planned (whatever that plan is).

Only DH 1.0 will no longer have anything published for it. Sucks to be Calixis Ordo Xenos right now :P

Only DH 1.0 will no longer have anything published for it. Sucks to be Calixis Ordo Xenos right now :P

Low blow, man.