extra journeys in the dark quests

By JORGE777, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark





Please, stop SHOUTING. It's considered impolite, and it's less readable than proper typing, too. Also, one question mark will do to mark a question. And since your name is very visibly to the left of your post, there's no need to sign your post with "Jorge" either. Just saying.

Here are the bonus quests , and here is the quest database . Have fun happy.gif

anyone can point interesting quests for OL from database? I only play twice as OL so I am beginner gui%C3%B1o.gif

There're ratings next to the quests in the quest database, and you can sort the list by rating as well... The number in ()'s is the number of votes, so look for something that has a fair number of votes and still has a high score.

It'd be nice if there was a way for people to leave comments on the quests, but I think the web devs have enough on their hands with the forum ATM. (EDIT: Turns out you CAN leave comments... I'm just blind ;-D)

Does anyone think it'd be good to have a "Quest review" thread, where people talk about downloaded quests they've tried, and give constructive feedback? I think it'd be helpful to the downloaders AND the developers, but what do you think?


This is a nice editor www.prosperity-station.com/Descent/ but it hasn't been updated in ages, and it speaks of another flash-editor that is supposed to be made by FantasyFlightGames.

Has this been created or has it been scrapped?

I'd like to know before I start creating one myself ;)

NoNamium said:

This is a nice editor www.prosperity-station.com/Descent/ but it hasn't been updated in ages, and it speaks of another flash-editor that is supposed to be made by FantasyFlightGames.

Has this been created or has it been scrapped?

I'd like to know before I start creating one myself ;)

It's supposedly been in development for longer than I've been playing Descent (which is about a year now) with no indications of progress whatsoever except that November 2008 news blurb on the page you linked.

I think most of the forum is considering the editor to be in indefinite limbo.

thanks osaka:) next time i should just cheack before posting:)

JORGE777 said:


He's still shouting. gran_risa.gif

I agree with you Jorge their has to be an easyer way to get the quests is their a easy link or help at all!?

Dark elf said:

I agree with you Jorge777 their has to be an easyer way to get the quests! is their a easy link or help at all!? help a frend in need.

I'd like to see the quest database updated with more categories. Why should Well of Darkness be the only expansion specifically called out? It really should be a checkbox-style thing.... filter on whatever combination of expansions you want.

I'm not sure the quest editor even took AoD into account, and I know it doesn't for ToI.

I have given up on ever seeing a new quest editor!!

Yeah, the sanctioned editor only supports WoD, probably predates AoD and the rest.

Of course, when you know an expansion exists and that more are probable, it would make sense to design the program so that the pieces for forthcoming expansions can be added easily. It's not like the program needs to know what any of them do, just graphic and category. The interface for selecting the number of JitD and WoD sets to allow even makes it look like he probably did this. I don't know why he never thought it was worth taking a little time off from the flash-editor-that-never-gets-done for a quick expansion update to the old one, unless the reason we still don't have the new editor is that he's not spending any appreciable time on that, either.

All of the questions about the quest editor could be easily answered if someone would give us some official answers.

I dont think that is to much to ask.

If they are not going to make one then just let us know instead of being in the dark.
I think the last update was last november if I remember right.