LOS house rule

By mooselord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have read many discussions concerning the LOS-rules and weird LOS-situations
The reason why it can be so tricky to determine LOS is that it has to be traced between the centres of two different squares. I am considering a house rule that states that LOS can be traced between any two points in the squares. That would certainly make thing easier during game play. Would the house rule have some negative effects? Of course it will favour ranged and magic characters and monsters and make melee characters and monsters less good. I don’t think that necessarily would be a bad thing though.

Any comments?

Corner to corner line of sight (which is basically what you're proposing) would make it **** near impossible for the overlord to spawn monsters, as it will become even easier than ever to cover all possible spawns.

Very good point. Maybe I can keep the original LOS-rule when it comes to spawning.

In general, your method of LoS will make cover much less effective. For the OL, good use of the terrain is essential to his monsters' survival, and to a lesser extent, the same can be said for the heroes as well. Once you work out the symetry of center-to-center LoS, I doubt you'll need to house rule it.

On an interesting note regarding LOS, we use a laser level to confirm..hey, it works.

Dude that's awesome.

Especially when the laser makes part of a mini glow...spooky!