Why is it that in most of the games that I have played outside of the Army that Encumbrance tends to get glossed over? I hear from the GMs that I have asked that they feel that it takes from the story. I strongly disagree. I feel that it adds a layer of realism that shouldn't be overlooked.
Looking at the rules that I have access to, FFG appears to feel the same way. They not only have Encumbrance as a rule, and rules for being Encumbered, but they have Cumbersome qualities on weapons as well. I love this.
A character with 3 Brawn can be encumbered very quickly. Blaster Carbine, Combat Knife, 1 Extra Reload, 2 Frag Grenades and Macro Binoculars and he is at capacity. I guess I'm just asking (not that I have a place to) to keep Encumbrance in mind. It adds planing and team work to certain "missions". Obviously some groups may find it annoying, but others may enjoy the fact that their Wookie has a 4 Brawn and is the only one who can lug around the Light Repeating Blaster and lay cover fire while the pilot gets in the starship and tries to "hotwire" the thing so they can get off the **** rock.
Thanks for your patience and putting up with my ramblings.