FAQ says:
When is this condition checked? If you commit:
Harry Houdini
Action: Pay 1 to remove Harry Houdini from a story he is committed to. Then, ready him.
Then opponent commits, then you use his ability. Does the story resolve? (No?)
If your characters are gone because of T or C struggles does story stop resolving and there is no A or I struggle? (No?)
If you play guys like:
Jiang Shi
Disrupt: Before you resolve a (T) struggle, pay 1 to commit Jiang Shi to that story without exhausting it. If Jiang Shi is already committed to another story, uncommit it.
To change story leaving no one behind before it was chosen to resolve, does the story resolve or not?
In short: when exactly is this condition checked?
Edited by .Zephyr.