Weekly Games(League) in Kansas City Area

By opcubby, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

Hi there everyone,

I've started a weekly Netrunner League at Table Top Games and Hobby in Overland Park KS. We start at 6:30 and play till at least 9 every Friday night. There is a cost of a dollar, but that's just to pay the owner for the game night kit, all the money goes to that and prizes above and beyond the cost of the kit.

Bring at least a runner and corp. deck and all the tokens. You can play as many matches as time allows if you want. You don't have to be there every week, but the more you come the better your chances are of winning prizes.

Hope to see everyone there,


TableTop Games and Hobby

(913) 962-4263

I recently got the Netrunner core set. Is this weekly league still active?