Some questions about the final hopless fight

By Zmiq, in Elder Sign

Hello, I have some questions about the final fight, when we fight the bad dude. First, if an investigator dies durring the fight must we add one doom token or not, and second - can you complete more then 1 task with 1 roll for removing 2 doom tokesn at one?

Hi zMiq

When an investigator dies fighting a GOO ( Great Old One ) you do place a doom token on his card. See page 18 of the rules where it gives an example of the investigators fighting and poor old Walters' gets munched! Page 19 has the rule in the Clock Phase paragraphs.

You can only complete one task at a time when fighting a GOO, unless your Amanda Sharpe ...


... who can complete any number of tasks per roll of her dice pool! She's pretty cool and saved our butts many a time!

Enjoy the game, we luv' it here in sunny Scotland!!! ... Walts