I don't have the book on me right now, but I've read quickly over the comrades rules earlier. As I'm a GM in the game we're currently playing I haven't concerned myself too much with them.
However, the first session (we're all pretty new to OW) I noticed the comrades were mostly forgotten in combat completely. i did a quick read over the generic orders and got kind of confused so a page number would help alot. But the question is this:
Do the orders count towards the PC's actions or against the comrade's turn?
Comrade orders?
OW p.269 - Comrades in Combat
Giving Specialty or Generic Order (p.270) is a Free Action, unless stated otherwise by Order's description. And they count towards Comrades own pool of Actions, (two half actions or one full action just like PC)
Sweeping Orders (p.82) issued by Sergeant do not require Comrade to spend action, as they are passive bonuses which affect every Comrade in the Squad for entire Round of Combat. Only one Sweeping Order can be issued per Turn.
Remember also that PC and Comrade must be in Cohesion (normally within 5 metres of each other and not separated by solid wall) with each other to gain the benefits of an Order, unless otherwise stated.
Ah, thank you! I kept reading and felt I had missed something fundemental but since I was jumping back and forth I couldn't for the life of me find where it was.
Thank you good sir!