Cosmic Encounter is my wife and my favorite game. We would love to play together. Could FFG publish some official rules regarding a two player version of the game in the upcoming Cosmic Storm expansion?
Two Player Rules in Cosmic Storm?
I don't think it would be worthwhile, or even possible to play with two players. The alliance phase wouldn't be present and that's a major part of the game. Several alien powers also work with the alliance phase in mind. Assuming that your aliens don't rely on alliances, you could play the game with two, but the end game would all come down to the cards you are dealt, and not strategy.
The only solution would be to have computer players and there are just too many game changing aliens to program that correctly.
There are numerous games, which can support two players, that should entertain you and your wife.
My brother and I used to play the original Eon set as a 2-player version, but that was with only the first expansion so there were far fewer aliens and no flares (which didn't arrive until the 4th expansion set). Yes, it had a lot more to do with cards as opposed to alliance strategy, but it also made the Macron a far more valuable alien since he was much harder to attack.
I'm toying with the idea of what card games call a "widow's hand," where the cards are flipped over for the third player. Of course, there will have to be some major modifications, and role-playing...
My brother and I used to play the original Eon set as a 2-player version, but that was with only the first expansion so there were far fewer aliens and no flares (which didn't arrive until the 4th expansion set). Yes, it had a lot more to do with cards as opposed to alliance strategy, but it also made the Macron a far more valuable alien since he was much harder to attack.
Very similar. I used to play the original Eon set a lot, and many of the Alien powers had "Do not use in a 2 player game" on them. I was hoping the new version would have something similar, but I guess not.