Couple of questions

By Tyrant242, in Cosmic Encounter

If while in conflict with player B, player A invites player C to ally on offence, and B makes no offer at all. Under this scenario, is C able to ally on either side, or only the one invited to?

Second, Does the Triple (?) power of attack reduction for values above 15(?) affect just themselves or the other primary? It is kind of vague on that one and I can't see how reducing your own attack value could be handy outside of some very limited interactions. thanks

Player C may not ally with player B because player B did not invite allies.

The Tripler does not affect his opponent's card. His attack cards above 10 are divided by three, rounding up. As you suspect, that is usually not handy. Tripler's power makes his low cards more valuable, while making his higher cards less valuable. This is actually useful in normal circumstances because there are more cards with a value of 10 or below than with a value of above 10.

It is not unusual for powers to have some negative side effects.

Ok, thanks much!