Hi, I have just two little questions. First, is about front cover of main rule book, I personaly think, it is really nice and well done front cover, but WHO is this girl in the first place? It looks for me like any random warrior girl, or something like that, is this character anyhow connected to the world of Gaia? I didnt read about Gaia yet, so I dont know...
And second about d100 system... I cant help it, but I just cant see any good reasons, for using this d100 system. I think, it is unnecessary to use d100, and would be better (simplest) to use for example just d10. I know I can do that and convert it, or remake it little, but my question is, WHY do you think there is this d100 system? Why the creators of this game choose to use this system in the first place? I know you are not prophet, but what do you think about creators reasons for choosing this system? Do you think it is good to handle attacks and all with d100? And why do you think so? Or have you any problems with that?
Just my curiosity... and thank you for answers in advance.