Agreed. It sounds like you may have the correct perspective on the game to succeed in the advanced league (provided you properly manipulate game features). I like telling people that being distracted from the primary objective in Arkham is far more fatal than monsters.
Although I wouldn't necessarily say that time is more valuable than Elder Signs and clues. I sort of look at them as all different time related currencies ;') if you exchange one for the other, it is important that you are getting a good exchange rate. I don't just look at an Elder Sign as an easy seal, I look at it as a way to potentially devour a character you want to be rid of (rarely, but I've done it before), a way to gain turns equal to the number of investigators, plus a little more since it's not like you get one doom per turn, and of course, guarantee of not getting stuck at a difficult to close gate, so, a little more time. And of course, the time saved on clue hunting or clue trading ;') Of course, all this comes at the cost of time spent elder sign hunting, but I'm sure you know all this.
Speaking of time, I like your new Avatar :'D
Thanks, I like it too, it is from the Elder Sign: Omens list.
Yes, you are right of course, the exchange rate for things is the critical factor, and I usually base that on what is happening at the time so there are no real guidelines to it, it is something you get a feeling for. Speaking of which, that is one of my gaming quirks: I can sit and stare at the board and get a sense of whether or not the worst is about to happen. You know the deal: is that seal going to crumble, will the Gug move and join up with the Dhole, will the Dunwich Horror awaken this turn, etc. It doesn't work with the lucky break syndrome, only with the stuff you don't want to happen. I get it right about 8 out of 10 times according to the group I play with. Is this cheating, and do I need to wear an aluminium cap?
hmm I slowly turning into a servant of my nemesis, Glaaki...???
Yes, I too am very good at predicting what will happen in the game. Every turn I predict that something bad will happen, and sure enough, it does!
Your nemesis Glaaki will be even more of your nemesis after scenario 2 ;')