Space Wolves Camping "For Russ! For the Wolftime!"

By Custodes, in Deathwatch House Rules


I want to start a pure Space Wolve Campaing in DW!!

From lvl 1-2 they would start as Assault Marines to be Blood Claws

then be a Grey Hunter from lvl 3-5 as Tactical

and from lvl 6-8 Devastator as Long Fangs

Wolve Priest as DW First founding Book lvl 4

Wolve Scout also from lvl 3 makes more sin!!

Runepriest - DW Librarian

Ironpriest - DW Techmarine

Wolve Guard im not shour if it should be the DW FirstCompany or DW Captiain!?

Wolve Guarde Hero - DW Champion

Lone Wolve - DW Kill Marine or DW Black Shield!??

Any suggestion or note??

Not really as you suggestions looks pretty solid to me. One thing you might want to consider is that the squad won't have Cohesion and thus you might, might want to look over replacement for some of those rules that affects Cohesion. Or not. You decide.

But I wouldn't run a Lone Wolf as a Blackshield of Kill Marine. It seems to me that this would just be a guy who just don't fight together with a squad, as opposed to make him rulewise different.

Edited by Gurkhal

No Cohesion is ok!!

Your right with the Lone Wolve!


From lvl 1-2 they would start as Assault Marines to be Blood Claws

then be a Grey Hunter from lvl 3-5 as Tactical

and from lvl 6-8 Devastator as Long Fangs

Wolve Priest as DW First founding Book lvl 4

I have created a Wolf Priest under similar scheme, and would recommend a minimum of rank 5 for him.


I want to start a pure Space Wolve Campaing in DW!!

Wolve Guard im not shour if it should be the DW FirstCompany or DW Captiain!?

Any suggestion or note??

DW isn't a Chapter like Codex Astartes (I don't know why so many on every game forum think this). They are an Order, a Chamber Militant like the Adepta Soroitas more than a Codex Chapter. There is NO First Company, or any "Company". Wolf Guard would probably be best approximated as a Captain.

I am just staring out in DW. I selected a Wolf Scout and finally have him created and kitted out. There are some things in the fluff I created (derived from an on-going fan fiction project) and so at a suitable time, the GM may award or "gift" me a few Chapter Trappings and other items as I progress and earn them. I have 2 sets of Armor depending on the mission and for the current mission the rolled for and created Mk VI "Corvus" pattern was selected as "stealth" isn't going to be used or exploited.

Interesting irony, my character name is (has been for a long time) Korvis Silvermane. Wearing "Corvus" Armor (beaky). The first set of helmeted Space Wolves I built had the "beaky" helmets and I painted them to look like wolf muzzles (variation/adaptation of the "Flying Tigers" mouth they painted on their P-40's).

Been playing Space Wolves since 4th Ed, been fascinated with the DW since the Chapter Approved article in White Dwarf. I have read every BL Paperback on the DW as well as many of the SW ones, including a few of the graphic novels which are long out of print and not cheap if you can find them these days....I gots my copies.

Lone Wolves are bent on a "Glorious Death" in remeberance or perhaps penance for the loss of ones pack. Though there is an allowance for such an ending to a character in DW, it would be rather a waste of a resource to induct such a marine into secondment to the's NOT what the DW is about and it doesn't fit in with their mission nor Motis Operendi.

There is NO First Company, or any "Company". Wolf Guard would probably be best approximated as a Captain.

Wouldnt be it not better to give an Wolf Guard both advanced in time?? <_<

First DW Captain than after a time DW FirstCompany and when he lives long enough and becoming a Wolfe Guarde Hero as DW Champion! ;)

Edited by Custodes

There is NO First Company, or any "Company". Wolf Guard would probably be best approximated as a Captain.

Wouldnt be it not better to give an Wolf Guard both advanced in time?? <_<

First DW Captain than after a time DW FirstCompany and when he lives long enough and becoming a Wolfe Guarde Hero as DW Champion! ;)

Instead of quoting out of context, maybe you should wait...I will, once again:

"DW isn't a Chapter like Codex Astartes (I don't know why so many on every game forum think this). They are an Order, a Chamber Militant like the Adepta Soroitas more than a Codex Chapter. There is NO First Company, or any "Company".

Codex Astartes are organized in "Companies" with a specific structure, table of organization with unit types and numbers. The Space Wolves have rejected the Astartes Codex organization and so there is NO appriximation to a First Company. The Primarch allowe each Wold Lord to organize and kit out his Great Company the way he saw fit....the Deathwatch is comprise of members of ALL Astartes loyal to the Emperor but are NOT nor have they ever been organized according to the Astartes does NOT fit their role within the Empire nor their use as a asset of the Inquisition via the Ordo Xenos.

Er, actually that's not quite right either. Wolf Guard are, for all intents and purposes the equivalent to Codex Chapters First Company.

That aside, what I believe he is asking, is what the mechanical equivalent in a Deathwatch game would be for Wolf Guard. I'd say the 1st Company Veteran advance works perfectly, though you could also use the DW Champion advance, but I'd save that for non Wolf Lord named character types (Lukas etc...) Then the Captain advance is straight up your analogue to a Wolf Lord.