The Fishmongers Conspiracy [hypothetical expansion]

By Le Passant, in Fan Creations


I'm totally new here. In fact, I'm new in Arkham Horror. But since I saw the content of the starter box, I can't stop imagining new things and possibility, and that's why I post here. I hope this topic won't be stupid, or against the rules, or something else.
I already saw many beautiful things here, and I feel a little...well embarrassed. You will probably see it, english is not my native langage, so please forgive my mistakes.

Since I saw Strange eons creator, an idea refuse to leave my little brain. There is a french bande dessinée, **** Herisson , which involved some wink to Lovecraft universe. The fifth volume, La Conspiration des Poissonniers , is a story on an antediluvian civilization which precede the Sumerian era. This race a Fishhead humanoid venerated a primitive beast named Shub-Ur-Kur. But a day, the human slaves rebelled against the ancient civilization and managed to seal the god in a copper sphere. This sphere remain in the abyss of ocean up to late XIX° century. Since, an evil conspiracy gather all the fishmongers of the south of France, especially Marseille,. Their ultimate goal : to free the god from the copper sphere and serve him to rule the world.
Well, it's semi-parodic, but the wink is evident. Action take place in the 1930's, and the hero and his companions will stop the evil project.
I always thought that, though it is parodic, it can be fun to see it integrated in the Lovecraft universe.

I already start searching ideas (even if I don’t have much time, but will be better after april 4th…), but since there is here people whose know far more things than me, I would ask advices.
- The original story take place in four cities. Impossible here, but is it feasible to include two ? The majority of the story take place in Marseille, but perhaps Lyon could be used…I don’t know. Is it realistic to place two cities on the same board ?
- Since it is a different city, I would like to keep a "french touch", so I would make a board. But if I want i new cards, Ancient Ones and Investigators to be applicable to the original board, is there particular things to do ?
- Since it’s a “little” idea, I probably won’t be able to make hundreds cards. Is there things to keep in mind if I want to be able to use the regular cards for a stand-alone expansion ? I know that it implies to make new location cards, but for instance for Other Worlds ?
- Any general advice ?

These boards probably have topic for that, but I didn’t find if any.

You should look at the Shadowrun Horror thing on this board. Basically what you're looking for is to make a stand alone game. And that's fine. It's very doable. But it's a lot of work.

Basically your board would be divided into two main sections, one for each town. And then players would have to go to a specific location and do something to get from one to the other. Probably the train station. But you might want to mix it up and have a train station and a bus terminal, and have both of them be unstable locations so that sometimes contact between the cities would be impaired or cut.
