Looks Ridiculous

By bkirchhoff, in Blood Bound

While this game might be a ton of fun to play... I'm not sure I can get beyond the absolute ridiculous imagery. FFG does amazing work with art & imagery - but these photographic images are nothing but silly. I keep thinking of Chris Kattan's "Goth Talk" character from SNL ten years ago.


Totally. I also believe the cover art to be completely off-putting.

Could not agree more

I also agree. Too bad, the game looks like a lot of fun.

Seconded, thirded, fourthed and fithed. This would look better to me with fantasy artwork. Some things just don't seem realistic when in a photo. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Freeman

Maybe FFG got forced to release something like this after getting a horse head under it's bed?

LOL! "I am Azriel Abyss", "And I am Cersie Nightshade!"

Totally agree, game looks great, art is horrible! Its enough to make me avoid it!

I'm surprised too, I would expect this from a kickstarter or a two-bit eurogame publisher. Not from FFG!

Granted, the box artwork looks strange (due to the odd match of painted and not very convincing daggers and two heavily photoshopped but still recognizably photographed heads), though its composition is fine.

I actually like the card artwork itself very much, for me it is a welcome change to the standard paintings. The models, most of them not professionals, never show cheesy expressions, which so often happens with Flying Frog Games (one can debate about some of their outfits or makeups, of course).

All this quickly vanishes when you first play this game, naturally: for me it easily outshines The Resistance, Werewolves, Bang (if Fantasy Flight Games kept the essence of the original prototype, that is).

Do not dismiss this because you don't like the artwork, you most certainly would make be a big mistake.

Edited by Michel

I'm certain I will like the game from what I read here. But the photos still look cheesy to me, gameplay and art are two different things; I'm sure most of us appreciate the difference.

I don't mind it in the Flying Frog games, because Last Night on Earth or Touch of Evil are meant mostly as a "tongue in cheek", a parody of horror B-movies. But here, it's not the case (or so it seems).

I don't mind it in the Flying Frog games, because Last Night on Earth or Touch of Evil are meant mostly as a "tongue in cheek", a parody of horror B-movies.

I adore Last Night on Earth as it (IMHO) strikes all the right notes – but in Touch of Evil (and other games of Flying Frog) it simply comes across as sloppy (bad hairdos, cheap costumes without any sense of coherence, mostly too young actors who are not able to "sell" it). YMMV.

Back to Blood Bound: no, I don't see any reason for the decision to use photographic artwork, other than "trying something different" here … I give all the makers behind the game kudos just for trying something new and not going the beaten path.

These character portraits kill my interest in an other wise good looking game. Ill come back when there is new art.

All this quickly vanishes when you first play this game, naturally: for me it easily outshines The Resistance, Werewolves, Bang (if Fantasy Flight Games kept the essence of the original prototype, that is).

Do not dismiss this because you don't like the artwork, you most certainly would make be a big mistake.

I find it very, very doubtful this game "easily outshines The Resistance." If it even comes close to the same level of experience I'll be highly impressed.

That said, I won't dismiss it because of the art, but I will happily throw my two cents in here to criticize FFG for their AWFUL choice in art design. It simply looks hideous, and it's going to make it that much harder to get to the table. Vampires already have a certain stigma, and going the teeny-bopper goth look with really cheesy photograph pictures just makes it that much worse. I don't want a game that I have to excuse how stupid it looks every time I want to get people to try it, and for FFG's sake, I don't think it's going to help impulse buyers taking it off the shelf.

As a final thought, is it too much to ask that players who like the mechanics of the game also get to enjoy the aesthetics of the components? AEG is learning their lesson by reprinting Love Letter with the original artwork instead of the ugly mess they turned it into. Maybe it's not too much to hope for that FFG could do the same on a second print run? I'd probably buy it twice if they did (if it's as good as it looks to be).

Is this some kind of experiment? Trying to attract a new traget audience?

Imho, the artwork is absolutely terrible - I couldn't imagine ever putting that on my table.

It does look ridiculous, I won't be buying this even if gameplay is good.

Considering the artwork is actually COVERED most of the time during gameplay, and the only really important details are the rank and icons on the cards... I don't even really notice the artwork at all. But the gameplay is great, and our group will readily play this over Resistance/Avalon or just generic Werewolf (and we've played plenty of those before discovering Blood Bound). My honest opinion is that the photo-art is there only to keep the costs down, and having this at a $20-25 price point is well worth the game inside the box... and as I said, you seldom really even HAVE to look at the "art". It's still more than worth it.....

It took about 4 years, but your cries appear to have been heard.

I doubt it is one of FFG's new IPs. We know them for their popular license and even some in house (Rune Wars, Android) IPs (I think Runewars is in house). Could be a Azmodee/Days of Wonder game they had to publish in US.

I'm getting a big resistance vibe from it though.

Goth is Stupid IMO.

Now GOTHIC ... THAT IS GLORIOUS and if you can not feel it's REAL POWER in this fake "modern world" we will not ever be real friends.

P.S; I include a few examples of actual GOTHIC ... behold the power!


Image result for hp lovecraft creepy cult gif

On 7/14/2013 at 6:07 PM, Julia said:

Totally. I also believe the cover art to be completely off-putting.

Meanwhile here we are playing Mansions and being real GOTHIC People.

BTW you had it right about the MOM Miniatures and sister I sure have been fixing that issue...



I can't stop comming up with nick names for the characters: Left to right:

  • Grue from Dispicable me
  • Kratos
  • Goth Elsa from Frozen
  • Assassins Creed guy
  • Sharon den Adel from Within Temptation

Edited by Robin Graves

Still looks miles better than the goth cosplay photos from 2013

Edited by kris40k

So, now party games are called social games?

And consequently a blood-thirsty vampire becomes a social drinker...

Ugly art and ugly theme. Anything vampire related, I don't bother.

I think my 11 year old would like this game.