By embe13, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

quick clarification, on the plot card it states "after an opponent triggers an effect, raise the claim of this plot by one"

does this effect happen only once or does the effect stack for every effect triggered by an opponent

thank you

embe13 said:

does this effect happen only once or does the effect stack for every effect triggered by an opponent

"Stack" may not be the right word here. But without getting caught up terminology, the passive effect on the plot does activate each time an opponent triggers an effect, giving the card +1 to its claim. So it does add up and you can find yourself with a 4 or 5 claim plot pretty quick if your opponent uses a lot of reducers in Marshaling.

as well as effects in triggered during challenges?

embe13 said:

as well as effects in triggered during challenges?

Or any time while the plot is revealed. Technically, the claim still raises if they trigger things in Dominance - the higher claim just doesn't mean as much after the plot's controller's challenges are done.