I have owned this game for 2 years now, recently started palying it and even got the card game becuse I love it so much. Im sorry if this is a repost of another topic, and Im sorry if Im beating a dead horse, but the search program on this forum sucks and I cant find anything easily.
I love the magic rules of the Core book, and I understand the "5 levels" of spells in the Core Exxet. I personaly love the Core rules for a more fluid control of the spells power, making lower path spells strenght equaling higher ones as the situation determines it. My problem lies in the fact that while FFG is translating the Exxet books (too slowly, in some cases but understandable) they are translating them purely for the Core Exxet. Artifacts, Spells (In the magus book) and other effects are all being cast with "Intermediate" and "arcane" levels, but these did not exist in the book the english speaking community has learned to use. So my question is this:
How do you (as GM's) work the 5 levels of magic with the base Core book? I am open to any advice or idea's. I dont want to lose the core magic but I dont want to punish my players for using the Meta Magic tree (all the +damage based on spell Level) and the Artifacts that you are paying a price for, getting a lower effect that what was intended.
I already use, and even like, the idea the Magic book mentioned, about using the free access paths in the Magic book as unique spells, running them as the 5 levels while using the core rules for the rest of your spells, but would like to know any way the others in the game (new players and experianced) are tweeking the rules system to accomidate the "new" material. It feels like running a 3.0 book in 3.5; possible, but not whole. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.