getting armies out of islands

By roneba2, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

my group still do not agree about how to march armies out of islands, if is needed to have a ship in the island sea. for example, if you are trying to march armies out of dragonstone, do you need to have a ship in the shipbreaker bay AND one in dragonsotne sea, OR just one ship in the shipbreaker bay can do the job.

Thanks in advance

There is no Dragonstone Sea. The sea zone that surrounds Dragonstone is Shipbreaker Bay.

Edited by kauai1964

Please remember that sea regions are separated by red lines and land regions are separated by black (or is it white?) lines. The map art dragonstone island is smaller than the region defined by the black (or white) lines. There is no separate sea region between dragonstone and shipbreaker bay. I believe that you have confused the edge of the island illustration with the border of the land region.

thank you very much.

Just to clariify, the same applies to pyke and arbor?

Yes, it does.