As I explained to the GM of the Rogue Trader game I'm playing in, I've long term plans for my seneschal. Namely, marrying as well as he possibly can.
The current situation
The Paterborne dynasty is an ancient dynasty with a fine flagship (a Conquest-class star galleon) but little wealth remaining after centuries of decline. We set out to sort this out and have done rather well! Profit factor began at 21 and is now 98.
The rogue trader Tavius Paterborne married Lady Charlabelle Armarillian and we legally merged the houses and warrants for a nice boost to Profit. She had claims, she had wealth and she was competent. A solid match and no regrets. But that does take Tavius off the table for future marriage (without assassination).
So on to my seneschal, Marquis Jarvaine Slinnicus (or "Jarvo"). He's Tavius' third cousin, from a branch of the family who settled in the Calixis Sector to run industrial interests. He's also one of the few remaining close relatives. So far Jarvo has focused on gathering insane amounts of wealth. But there is a place for more wealth and influence and a well chosen marriage could provide both.
A few ideas have come to mind, to be pursued once the dynasty is richer. As around the 130 PF mark. Individuals and families. Bearing in mind that nobles are fertile far longer than commoners and can have eggs stored anyway, age isn't much of an issue. Money and influence are.
1. Sector Governor Marius Hax
2. Lord Militant Tetrarchus
3. House Krin
4. An Admiral of the Imperial Navy
5. A full Inquisitor Lord
6. An Inquisitor ordinary - who gets a sudden boost to her career
If anyone has more ideas or comments, I'm all ears.