Monster Rule?

By TheMostDapper, in Elder Sign

Forgive me if the answer is already here, cause I couldn't find it. Anyway, I know that if a monster is on a card and I successfully resolve the monster but not the card, then I claim the monster anyway and the card remains in play; however, what if it is the other way? If I am able to resolve all of the tasks on the card, but not able to resolve the monster. I know the monster becomes the last task of an ordered card, so I presume that the card would be considered failed in that case, but on a non-ordered card, would that be the case as well?


Remember that a monster in Elder Sign is a "task", so if you complete all the tasks except the monster task at the end then you fail the Adventure or Other World card.

That's about what I expected since that's how it is for the ordered cards, just thought maybe the unordered ones were more loosely associated (ie, a new card would be drawn and the monster would go on the new card, as if he had moved on to another room).

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

That's about what I expected since that's how it is for the ordered cards, just thought maybe the unordered ones were more loosely associated (ie, a new card would be drawn and the monster would go on the new card, as if he had moved on to another room).

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

One of the beauties of this game is that investigators can tweak the difficulty level or dynamic's of the game to suit themselves, so if your group want to play it that way, i.e. remove the Adventure Card and place the monster on the new card ( or another monster slot on another card ), then go for it!

Here's a link to various variants that players are using ...



... The one where you place the AC facedown get's my thumbs up!

Lots of ideas to increase the games horror! ;) ... Walts