Kroot Hunting Rifle Clip

By Zenoth16, in Rogue Trader

I am starting a new game for some friends of mine with a mix of new players and some veterans. One of the veterans wanted to play a kroot and I decided to allow it. He wanted the Kroot rifle from Into the Storm and so I looked it up. Upon reading this entry I noticed that the Kroot rifle was different from the one in the RT book. After reading more into it i noticed that the ItS Kroot Rifle was a hunting rifle and had a bigger clip and faster reload time than the RT Kroot rifle. I then read the description of the Kroot Hunting Rifle and it says that it is single shot only. The errata was not helpful in clearing this up. What is the Kroots Hunting Rifles clip?

I had never noticed that before, but the ITS Kroot Rifle also has different range, better Penetration and the Accurate quality, so I think they were probably designed to be two different weapons that just unfortunately got the same name.

I would think of the ITS version as a Kroot Hunting Rifle, and the RT one as the Kroot Rifle and have your player pick one.

That’s my point. The Kroot hunting rifle is equal to or better in every way except the fire rate and melee attachment. So did the author's intend for this weapon to be single shot?

I'm sorry I misunderstood. When the description reads "single shot" I would assume that refers to its fire rate which is S/-/- instead of the old rifle which is S/2/-. Thus I read it it as a single shot rifle in that it shoots one bullet at a time, but should still have a clip of 8.

Actually, as a "single-shot, breech-loader " it should probably have a clip of 1. Why this has not apparently been addressed I have no idea. Game stats and descriptions are not always written by the same person in these things.

-=Brother Praetus=-

Take in to account that those these weapons are differend variants of the similar weapon but made for differend purposes.

Kroot Hunting Rifle is made for sniping fire, as Kroot Rifle is made for closer combat situations. Hunting Rifle doesn't posses melee attachments of Rifle variant.

Also I think they mixed up breach-loaded and bolt-action.