Calling an Upset as Offense then Defense plays Loser Wild.

By Jungle i, in Cosmic Encounter

Hello all! First off, long time reader - first time poster. Thanks for the clarification on all the things before.

I've researched this, however I was not able to find an answer to our specific case:

Offense was Loser and declared an upset.
Defense (who only had a 40) knew he was going to win [lose] anyway. He played the Loser Wild in an effort to save himself.

Both players lost, so both players win. Does that mean offense establishes a colony and defense get defense rewards?

OR In the event of a tie, defense wins and therefore offense won and Defense is sent to the warp?

Edit in bold.

Solution: Once an upset has been declared, both main players must play attack cards, if possible.

Therefore in my situation, the defense should have not been able to play Loser Flare.

Edited by Jungle i

Loser cannot play the Loser Wild. Loser can only play the Loser Super.

Also, why did Loser call an upset when he had a 40? What was his opponent's power?

Yeah, this sounds like some folks need to read the sheets and cards more closely. Another problem with the OP's question is the mistaken belief that the defense collects rewards. "Rewards" a.k.a. "defensive rewards" a.k.a. "defensive ally rewards" (FFG seems to hate consistency and calls them a bunch of different things) apply only to winning allies (normally just defensive allies, unless something like the Reverse Rewards hazard is in play).

Loser cannot play the Loser Wild. Loser can only play the Loser Super.

Also, why did Loser call an upset when he had a 40? What was his opponent's power?

Ha, my bad. I actually left out a sentence. The Defense (who was not loser) played the wild! I'm sorry.

Offense -> Declared Upset

Defense -> Loser Wild

Me -> :o !

But let's assume the Wild Loser flare was played by the opponent following an upset, so we have a question we can answer: "does this make both players win." The answer is no, the upset never occurs. There's an earlier thread that goes into more detail:

Ah yes! We haven't played with Loser in years. So We just assumed we knew the rules and didn't reread it.

We overlooked the both players must play an attack card if possible. Thank you!

Also, I looked and couldn't find this thread! Thanks for responding so quickly!

Yeah, this sounds like some folks need to read the sheets and cards more closely. Another problem with the OP's question is the mistaken belief that the defense collects rewards. "Rewards" a.k.a. "defensive rewards" a.k.a. "defensive ally rewards" (FFG seems to hate consistency and calls them a bunch of different things) apply only to winning allies (normally just defensive allies, unless something like the Reverse Rewards hazard is in play).

Haha as for this I meant all allies on the defense side. I should have proof-read my post. My Bad!

I spend all day working on software and I'm slowly losing my ability to type in plain-ol' English.

Edited by Jungle i