Where is the Support page now?

By Hybrid, in CoC General Discussion

Really not sure what else might be missing from the 'new' forums but does anyone know where the Support page can be found?

It was called the 'Support page' with the faq, tourney rules and such on the mini-site I believe.

Do the mini-sites still exsist? You used to be able to click on the Call of Cthulhu banner to get to it

but we have no banner now.

Well, that's the page my second link leads to.

To get there by navigating the website, select Catalog | Living Card Games | Call of Cthulhu from the menu.

I don't recall any banners (maybe they were disabled for me due to my turning scripts off?)

I'm currently missing something else, though: Where's the link to post Rule Questions?

I suppose I could simply mail them to Damon directly, but I prefer using the official channel.