Unseen Forces: Shudde M'ell passive

By Namkcor, in Elder Sign

His passive says if there are no more adventure or other world cards in play he wins. On that wording there are no other world cards in play at start so he auto wins? Or does it mean the other world deck has to burn out?

Hi Majeh

Yeah, this means when they've all been played from their deck, but I've just had a read at that card and see that the "World Cracking" text states " discard that Adventure or Other World card ", which means rather than put it too the bottom of the pile to re-use it again, you discard it so it won't be played again, i.e. reducing each deck till there's none left in the game.

There's so many Adventure cards ( 88 cards with Unseen Forces added in ) that this is extremly unlikely too happen, but the Other World has a limited number ( 10 total with the Unseen Forces cards added in ), so u might get caught out with that!


Actually says if the investigator fails and adventure, discard that adventure or other world card (as well as monsters on it) and do not replace it. If there are no more adventure or Other World cards in play, the game ends.

The Museum adventures normally can only have 6 out at one time. You can only fail that 5 times and still play the game, 6th time you lose as you can not replace the lost adventures

Edited by Majeh

Actually says if the investigator fails and adventure, discard that adventure or other world card (as well as monsters on it) and do not replace it. If there are no more adventure or Other World cards in play, the game ends.

The Museum adventures normally can only have 6 out at one time. You can only fail that 5 times and still play the game, 6th time you lose as you can not replace the lost adventures

Hi Majeh ... Your total right! ...

But , there's always a but , using our game as an example from yesterday, we pulled out a handful of Other World cards to our play area via Adventure Card Rewards/Penalties we won, so that would have extend the game past the 6th "round" of Shud's special ability. If we where fighting against Shud, we would have gone looking for more OW cards to flood the table with to protect us!

Thanks for pointing that out, I'm terrible at picking up the basics sometimes! Luckily, my fellow adventurers keep me right!!!


Edited by Vala_Melkor

I'd say Shudd's ability definitely applies only to cards in play. You may get some extra chances bringing Other Worlds into play, but if you lose all of the Adventure cards and can't win the game with the Elder Signs remaining on the Other Wolds you have in play, you have esentially lost the game, since you don't replace successfully completed Other Worlds. Only other chance you might have in that case is if one of the Other Worlds allows you to get a spell, and you're lucky enough to draw one of the spells that automatically opens an Other World (I know one is a spell- "Find Gate"- can't remember if the Gate Box is a spell or a unique item).

Anyway, chances are slim if you run out of Adventures. I think Shudd is probably the toughest AO in the game now.

Heh "slim", you have not seen my groups dice rolling. Would've failed befor the clock stru k midnight twice with how they roll