Concerning 'require-one-less-VP-to-win effects.

By Cremate, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

A number of elements in the game now benefit you so that you need one less Victory Point to win; e.g. promisory notes, precursor space stations, etc.

I've already seen a number of discussions on these effects elsewhere, but there is one aspect I haven't been able to find mentioned in the FAQ or on this forum. This is specifically for situations in which the game is closed through the Stage II Public Objective cards with the "Game Over" effect.

I can see arguments in either direction and I'm curious whether you find that these extra VPs only apply if you are said number of VPs from winning by reaching the set goal of the game (such as 8, 10, 12, or 14 points) and about to proactively close the game or whether you find that they are always added to you score, including when the game is closed by other means such as the "Game Over" cards, signifying that the player with the most points on the score board at the time of the "Game Over" might loose to someone with less points on the score board?

I'd definately say that it only counts if you are going to win by getting the required victory points. Game over effects wouldn't count them at all.

EG. Imperium rex came out and Mentak had 6 VP's and 2 Support of the Throne cards, and N'orr has 7 VP's, N'orr would win. as 7 beats 6.

Otherwise they would just say to add 1 VP when revealed.

I agree with Nehkrimah. The cards/effects very clearly state "requires one less victory point to win" not, "Gain one victory point". Since the rules for the game clearly state that when imperium rex is drawn, the game ends and the person with the most victory points wins, the upper limit that a person must reach otherwise is a moot point.